Memorial Day 2011

I just wanted to take a moment to remember all of those who have died for our country. I would especially like to mention my (departed) Mom's older brother who died in WW II. Mom always took a few special moments to remember him on Memorial Day. RIP Uncle Bill!

While on the subject of Memorial Day, I am not ashamed to admit that The (Vietnam) Wall brings tears to my eyes everytime I visit. I have heard more than one Vietnam Vet say that The Wall is the one place where they can truly find a little closure.There is an awful lot of truth in that statement. I have many friends and acquaintances whose name is on The Wall. A few I went to school with and many more who I served with. RIP to each and everyone of you!
I grew up with a father who was a Korean War vet and POW.

Memorial day may see it's share of flag waving and patriotic declarations which may make combat veterans wince or even roll their eyes a little.

What war veterans really need is genuine compassion and understanding of how their minds and bodies have been injured from what they've been through.

In Arizona a SWAT team recently broke down the door of an Iraq war veteran and shot him 70 times in five seconds when his wife called 9-11 because he was acting strangely.

Yeah I might act strangely too from time to time if I'd been what he'd been through.

The SWAT team members claim they acted in self defense but it's not true. The circumstances say otherwise.

Nationwide police have been put through "sensitivity training" over every conceivable special group and their needs, however to returning veterans the police have no particular "sensitivity." I've known several veterans mistreated time and time again by police eager to assert their dominance over someone not acting "normally" all because of what they've been through in war. War is funny that changes what is normal.

It's well and fine to honor the dead, but I wonder if doing so isn't really more about us then about them. And actually I think it's them, the combat vets, who anything should be about more than us. We owe it to them to make them the focus of our attentions.

Therefore I hope this day will be a reminder to take special care and appreciation for the veterans who are still alive and need our understanding and support.

BE UNDERSTANDING TO VETERANS....they've earned our patience.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I just wanted to take a moment to remember all of those who have died for our country. I would especially like to mention my (departed) Mom's older brother who died in WW II. Mom always took a few special moments to remember him on Memorial Day. RIP Uncle Bill!

While on the subject of Memorial Day, I am not ashamed to admit that The (Vietnam) Wall brings tears to my eyes everytime I visit. I have heard more than one Vietnam Vet say that The Wall is the one place where they can truly find a little closure.There is an awful lot of truth in that statement. I have many friends and acquaintances whose name is on The Wall. A few I went to school with and many more who I served with. RIP to each and everyone of you! Originally Posted by bigtex
A visit to the Wall has the same effect on me.

Remember that this is Memorial Day. We remember those who gave their lives for their country, not the cirrcumstances under which they died. Some died heroically, some died in friendly fire or training accidents, some died quietly, and some died after returning home.

Remember them and thank them.
Munchmasterman's Avatar

It's well and fine to honor the dead, but I wonder if doing so isn't really more about us then about them. And actually I think it's them, the combat vets, who anything should be about more than us. We owe it to them to make them the focus of our attentions.

Therefore I hope this day will be a reminder to take special care and appreciation for the veterans who are still alive and need our understanding and support. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
This is the day for honoring our war dead. And yes, I'm sure it is partly about us as many have to come to terms with their personal loss. It's part of the grieving process.

The day for reminding us to take special care is Veteran's Day in Nov.

The time to appreciate our veterans is 365 days a year.