ISO:Employment for Provider

As most of you know I am ready to retire from the hobby. Though Ive been searching and searching for a kinda seems like the only way to get back into the "reg" job field is to do waitressing or door-to-door sales. Though I have experiences in sales/marketing....having 8-9 months of no work history kinda puts a glitch on my record. Do any of you know of someone that is hiring and doesnt dig too deep into someone's record/past???I would like something stable or at least enough time to get some new work experience in like personal assistant or something like that. please pm me or email me at if you have something.
nuglet's Avatar
check your pm's
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I will certainly keep my ears open.

As long as I have a face, you will have a place to sit while in Austin.
budman33's Avatar
IT is growing and for the most part been recession proof here in Austin. Everyone has a PC, you have a website, so your halfway there Albeit sales can be very lucrative, if you could pick up a Security+ or Network+ certificate which is quite easy you could go entry level IT for 40-50k easily. If you find an aspect of IT you enjoy, then skies the limit in short fashion.

Don't know where your interests lie but thought I throw that out there. good luck
Fred Garvin MP's Avatar
Budman, where would one attend classes and what certs would one need to do this? I am also a provider looking to move on.
budman33's Avatar
Well The most reasonable cost ones and are fairly expected and looked for by HR hiring managers as entry level are from CompTIA

A+ is entry level fundamentals and cost about 150$ Network+ is about 200$ Security+ is about 250$ You can easily self study read the material, tests are 100 questions in 90 minutes.

A+ isn't going to generate much interest i.e calls for interviews but depending on your level is a good first step anyway.

Network+ and Security+ will get you in the door for interviews almost anywhere for entry level testing, or tech support roles. Not major bank but you really need to get some experience under your belt to go onwards unless you get into development, etc.

If you get one of those or feel comfortable with the material and can volunteer for a SANS course.

They are very well known to IT managers. I say volunteer because you can volunteer to help setup conference, bring instructor a diet coke, run copies etc. and still get the class and all materials and the exam... for 800$.

Or if you can swing it pay 4k$ and go as a regular attendee. search for workstudy to apply, costs nothing to apply. Pick a class near you or somewhere you are willing to travel to when going through the process.

I would say get CISSP but that requires a certain number of years before you can go take the test, but get that and headhunters love it. feel free to PM me. Austin is a good IT place.
Fred Garvin MP's Avatar
Hmmm. I will send a PM later, thank you, budman. Maria, what do you think? Are you in Dallas or Austin now? Austin seems like a great place for an education. I have made a damn good living as a male prostitute servicing white collar female clients for a while, but I am not getting any younger.
Sorry guys Im getting back to this post late. I hardly post threads besides my ads so I forget I'd post something,lol.

Anywho....IT seems to be a good route but to be honest Im horrible when it comes to network,security and any other computer aspect. I dont think I'd be good at that kind of field. Im more of a social person, so being behind a computer all day would drive me crazy. My interest are in sales,customer service,marketing,pr & advertising. But I live in dallas though. Have thought about moving to Austin and at this point Im just looking for a stable job so I will not have to return to this. Just ready to progress in my life and not have to hide about anything. Sometimes gets a bit lonely when you have no one to REALLY talk to. But good luck with the job hunt fred garvin mp. Im sure it will work out for you. And thanx everyone for the advice!!!
I got into Oil and Gas Leasing the starting pay is fantastic,,, but you said you do not like to be in front of a computer, if that changes let me know
budman33's Avatar
Sales is always king. I just never could wrap my head around the feast or famine part. IT doesnt have to be in front of a PC, but you need to speak the lingo to sling the IT gear. sometimes, the sales guys i work with tell a pack of lies so i'm not exactly sure they know the actual product we can DELIVER half the time

but they have nicer houses than mine for sure.
omg....i dont want to hear the words gas/oil around me. My ex did that and I wish he would go jump off a Im really just joking about that last part but anyway. Yes Im sure the IT selling part is good but I do agree with you. If you know the product I think you make the customer happy as well as have repeat business. At one point I worked at Circuit City (when it was still a good company) and just started off as a CSA. Within one year I was trained in TV/Audio sales and was the only female in my department and had the second highest sales. I honestly think it was a turnon for a guy to come in and learn how to work a tv or dvd player from a woman. Anyone need a surround sound system hooked up...????LMAO