Looking for a house for rent

guest031812's Avatar
Was wondering if anyone had some ideas of nice places for rent in North Austin, pville area for under 1,200? Residence not business .. thanks in advance pms are welcome
Nightcrawler29's Avatar
Darn I had one in P-ville, but it just got rented last Monday! Sorry I missed you...
Not sure this is the best place to ask this question!

Try www.austinhomesearch.com, instead.
guest031812's Avatar
Thanks Liv but I am not looking to go through a Realtor - thats the reason I posted here.
Guest102312's Avatar
Look on craigslist and type in by owner in the search box.
guest031812's Avatar
Tried that too thanks maci!
Guest102312's Avatar
Pick an area, grab your fav. drink from starbucks...stop and get a notebook and pen, make sure your phone is charge and your car is full and just go scouting.
Good luck!