
For those who say that the less agree-able posters are from Texas. I would like to say to you that you’re probably right.

Texas has a huge participation and membership here, so you’re going to get both the best and the not-so from Texas.

Independent total reviews:
New Orleans…1145
New York……..1148
Wayward's Avatar
I don't agree.
The blanket statements against Texas are starting to offend me.
You get an idea of just how huge the membership is from there by clicking on different cities.
Wayward's Avatar
Me too brandilynn, but I couldn't resist the softball, the really funny part is I know most of the real ********* (word you can't use in coed) and while there are exceptions, Father Wayward for example, most are actually pretty nice folks...
Regardless of where you are from, how many members/providers your state brings or how many reviews your state has generated,rudeness and disrespect should NEVER be tolerated! If you are a member on this board you are looking for the same thing as everyone else, money or a companion.

You are NO BETTER than the member who posted a comment before you or the member who will post one after you. Regardless of what state you are from, common decency is a basic human trait we are born with or that we learn as we journey thru life. You were not put on this board to analyze or shrink ANYONE I can guarantee you, so here's a suggestion to a couple of you (and you KNOW who you are) before you begin typing your rude little comments that don't make you sh*t, take a deep breath count to 10, and try your VERY BEST to keep your hurtful and disrespectful comments to your self. Trust this, NO one really respects a human who always has mean things to say.

And the old "I'm just keeping it real" line, will get you no where but on the intelligent providers DNS list. We can see exactly what kind of date you will be from a mile away, and if the provider is smart she will not indulge your ignorance with a reply!!
Chellablaine's Avatar
You know, I love Texas. Visiting there,passing through Texas, a lot of history. But for me to play in Texas is out of the question. I make more for my massage other places than most make for FS in Tx, and I dont negotiate. So however awesome you guys may be, and in certain cities the food is GREAT! I still wont sell my hiney for cheap..

Things are bigger in Texas Im sure, but for some reason the wallets are kinda chincy!

chalk it up to too many providers and competition. Who knows, but several of ya have hit me up in other cities and right off the bat trying to haggle me on rates, and hun, as much as I love you guys, I had to shoot them down.

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Not everyone in Texas haggles or is rude ya know. As big as it is I'm pretty sure that what few some of you have met, I doubt every one if them were jerks. There are plenty of touring ladies that have the same rates that you ladies have and they do well here. It's a hit and miss for everyone. Funny thing is that some of the guys that you love to hate are the first to tell the hagglers to quit that bs.....
GotCondomz's Avatar
Hahahaha ..all I can say is this Industry has went from suga to shyt within the last 20+ years....My fore fathers are rolling in there graves...lol

Providers provide a service it is your duty to please and satisfy the hobbyist is paying you for your service regardless!! If you don't enjoy what your doing then get another fuggin job and stop destroying the profession!! You know your self worth if you chose to lower your rates thats your choice but if you lowering your rates and not providing quality service then that's on you!! It will come back to kick you in the azz!! Word of mouth can be your friend and your worst enemy. You chose this site and many other sites to advertise on that give reviews! You get what you pay for!!!
And the old "I'm just keeping it real" line, will get you no where but on the intelligent providers DNS list. We can see exactly what kind of date you will be from a mile away, and if the provider is smart she will not indulge your ignorance with a reply!!
Originally Posted by ali*cat
I sure wish there was a way to see how many DNS lists I've actually made it onto.

But, it's kinda like some of the demands ladies make concerning their business: I'll never pick up the phone to call, and they'll never know it. Some of them I would really like to call and see, but only if they were flexible (and I'm not talking rates here b/c I never haggle on rates) on one or two items.

You know, I love Texas. Visiting there,passing through Texas, a lot of history. But for me to play in Texas is out of the question. I make more for my massage other places than most make for FS in Tx, and I dont negotiate. So however awesome you guys may be, and in certain cities the food is GREAT! I still wont sell my hiney for cheap..

Things are bigger in Texas Im sure, but for some reason the wallets are kinda chincy!

chalk it up to too many providers and competition. Who knows, but several of ya have hit me up in other cities and right off the bat trying to haggle me on rates, and hun, as much as I love you guys, I had to shoot them down.

xoxo Originally Posted by Chellablaine
Like I said above, I never haggle on rates. And yes, CB, I think that it is supply and demand that keeps the rates reasonable.

Why is it that the guys in TX think the rates are reasonable, while the ladies think they suck? IDK, but like true capitalists, the market rules. A product is only worth what a willing seller and a willing buyer will agree upon.

In other areas of the country (which I assume you would prefer), I think the price is waaaaay too high.
Bahamcorey's Avatar
Welcome to Mississippi
Wakeup's Avatar
Regardless of what state you are from, common decency is a basic human trait we are born with or that we learn as we journey thru life. Originally Posted by ali*cat
Absolutely, totally and completely incorrect. There is no such thing as "common decency", it's a myth created by people to use as an excuse to criticize people who don't act like they do. If you're expecting everything in real life to be either "common" or "decent" then you're in for a disappointing life. To expect either of those two words on the Interwebs is the height of foolishness...
Not even going to entertain your ignorance. Deuces
Wakeup's Avatar
This is interesting...it seems that all it takes is for me to post one reply for the OP of a thread to give up and leave...

While I appreciate all of you giving me such power over your actions, it's not really necessary...I can handle anything you want to throw at me sweetie...the other members of my outstanding state on the other hand, might not be so receptive...

Please continue.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Back to the original post. The point being made here is simple-- Don't Mess with Texas

Base on sheer volume, you are going to see a lot of less agreeable posters from Texas. At the same time, there will a lot of very agreeable posters from Texas. Since most of us discount the positive and focus on the negative. We are going to be subconsciously driven to think that Texas posters are not very agreeable. In a sense this is correct, but when you factor in percentage, the case is not valid. It is simple Statistics 101.
climbon2's Avatar
Dallas, by itself, has 5 times more posters than New york, New Orleans, and LA, PUT TOGETHER!

Even if only 1% of Dallas posts were by assholes, that's over a hundred assholes!! The other 99% for us get painted with too broad a brush.

It pisses me off when I correspond woth a lady from out of state and invte her to come down, Only to hear "I'd love to see you, Hon, but I can't make it worth my time 'cause I've heard the rest of you Texans are asshats." It's happened 3 times in the last month.