politics influence on the hobby

sue_nami's Avatar
I am curious how much did politics have an affect your hobbying decisions? What I mean is like if a provider was an active and vocal supporter for a candidate on this board, did it make you not see her or encourage you to see her in spite of or because of her support of that candidate? And for the women, if a fellow is a vociferous supporter of the the candidate you do not like, did you not see him because of his stated political beliefs? over all how did the long ugly election season affect your hobbying decisions? now that it is over, will you reconsider seeing who you did not want to see if they are no longer the vocal eccie mouthpiece for the other side? are you glad to have eccie back to the point where u do not have to know the political leanings of the others engaged in this hobby?
bottoms up's Avatar
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Election season did not effect me at all...Mainly because I make it a point to stay far away from that topic as it tends to bring out a heat and passion that's not fun for fucking
I don't come here for bullshit politics. I come here for the hibbidy dibbity.
nuglet's Avatar
I'm here for the fuckin', the fun kind, not the kind that our politicians like to dispense.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar

johnnyatx's Avatar
"This erection is ribbed!" - Probably our president elect.

I don't venture into politics, I've literally never clicked on that board on here. I'm not sure that it would color my opinion of a provider much honestly.
Bobave's Avatar
"This erection is ribbed!" - Probably our president elect.

I don't venture into politics, I've literally never clicked on that board on here. I'm not sure that it would color my opinion of a provider much honestly. Originally Posted by johnnyatx
Your first sentence was a venture into politics, followed by a claim that you don't venture into politics. Pretty much undermines anything you have to say after that.
I avoid those who are outspoken in their politics, pretty much regardless of party. That is true in real life, but even more so in the hobby. In real life I know I will encounter discussions/rants on topics I don't want to listen to, and I adjust accordingly. In the hobby, I don't want to even have to consider planning avoidance strategies. If someone goes out of their way to make it known they are pounding on a particular drum, I look elsewhere for entertainment.
Your first sentence was a venture into politics, followed by a claim that you don't venture into politics. Pretty much undermines anything you have to say after that. Originally Posted by Bobave
*eye roll*

Your first sentence was a venture into politics, followed by a claim that you don't venture into politics. Pretty much undermines anything you have to say after that. Originally Posted by Bobave
I prefer my hobby friendships to last. Relationships can build over time and conversations can have a broad range of topics, therefore I prefer someone with generally compatible views. We don't need agreement on 100%, but general compatibility is important if things are going to last.
Raikage's Avatar
If someone's political opinion stops you from taking their money, or somehow blinds you from how hot they are and how available they are to see YOU then you are the biggest dumbass on earth.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 12-16-2016, 12:33 PM
OTC is fine but I doubt anyone here is paying to have their MIND fucked with.