Follow up to a simple question; do you think George Zimmerman has been treated fairly since his acquittal?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Threats by the DOJ.
Being called a coward by the prosecutor for not testifying.
A call for 5,000 people to hunt down Zimmerman by the Black Panthers.
A bounty on his head.
and i can't even mention all the TV shows calling him names
(I bet he can't wait until the Royal baby is born) (Her name will be Victoria)
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm withholding judgment until I hear how many years his wife gets for lying to the judge.
You forgot he can't get his firearm back...Poor GZ.
I saw a Hallmark Death Threat card come out in his honor. It went

Sidewalks be red
Sabryna be blue
You killed Obama's son
We doing the same to you.


But seriously, he's likely following his attorney's advice to lay low.

My bet is that Racheal Jenteal and others "testimony" on these talk shows are going to come back to haunt the Martin family. These libtards are so enthralled with their newly found celebrity, they are sabotaging the civil and civil rights cases even further.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-19-2013, 07:35 AM
Threats by the DOJ.
Being called a coward by the prosecutor for not testifying.
A call for 5,000 people to hunt down Zimmerman by the Black Panthers.
A bounty on his head.
and i can't even mention all the TV shows calling him names
(I bet he can't wait until the Royal baby is born) (Her name will be Victoria) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Of course he is not being treated fairly, certainly not by a prosecutor who is acting like a spoiled brat, and a bunch of self-aggrandizing attention mongers like the NBPP.

But then this really was a multiple choice test with only an (a) choice, wasn't it.

As to all the TV coverage to a few idiots--did you really expect otherwise? If Z gets acquitted it would be a steady stream of whiners on the liberal talk shows. If Z gets convicted it would be a steady stream of whiners on the conservative talk shows. And the sad part is the "guests" in either case actually think the "hosts" care about their issues--THEY DON'T. As soon as the ratings bump goes away the invites to come on camera will cease.

Andy Warhol is proven right once more.
Not only George Zimmerman; but his family, lawyers and friends are being demonized and threatened.

Amped up by the race baiters - Sharpton, Jackson, Obama, Holder, MSNBC, et al.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-19-2013, 08:18 AM
Not only George Zimmerman; but his family, lawyers and friends are being demonized and threatened.

Amped up by the race baiters - Sharpton, Jackson, Obama, Holder, MSNBC, et al. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
True. Just as Hanity, Coulter, Savage, FOX, Huckabee, et. al. would do if he was convicted. And as they do on a daily basis even when they have to "stretch" the truth to find something to be outraged about.

The Wackos on both ends would rather rant than be correct.

Just like you.
True. Just as Hanity, Coulter, Savage, FOX, Huckabee, et. al. would do if he was convicted. And as they do on a daily basis even when they have to "stretch" the truth to find something to be outraged about.

The Wackos on both ends would rather rant than be correct.

Just like you. Originally Posted by Old-T
The attacks are born out of stupidity. I don't say ignorance because being ignorant is not a crime, it simply means you have not been presented with knowledge. It is when you are presented with he facts, but still insist on maintaining an incorrect position is where you cross over into stupidity.

Most of those who are so outraged are still quoting false hoods and "facts" presented by the news media, poverty pimps, race baiters, and polititians before someone had to actually get on the stand in a court of law and testify, under oath.

Amazing how things change when that happens.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
True. Just as Hanity, Coulter, Savage, FOX, Huckabee, et. al. would do if he was convicted. And as they do on a daily basis even when they have to "stretch" the truth to find something to be outraged about.

The Wackos on both ends would rather rant than be correct.

Just like you. Originally Posted by Old-T
well put, sir.

BBW Katrina's Avatar
He will reap what he sowed for his actions for the rest of his patethic life. His own defense made him out to be a pussy, coward, puny little excuse of a man. We already knew that, but it was fun to watch.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-19-2013, 11:37 AM
the little twerp should have kept his wimpy ass in his vehicle and waited for the cops ... fair or not, he's subject to the rewards of his own decision.
LexusLover's Avatar
the little twerp should have stayed in and not gone for skittles... fair or not, he's subject to the rewards of his own decision. Originally Posted by CJ7
Where does the blame spiral end ...

.... all the way back to why he wasn't living at home in the first place, where mommy and daddy could keep an eye on their little angel....and why they weren't so concerned then.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Where does the blame spiral end ...

.... all the way back to why he wasn't living at home in the first place, where mommy and daddy could keep an eye on their little angel....and why they weren't so concerned then. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yep! Poor, lil 'innocent' Trayvon was kicked out by his mommy because he was too unrully and he'd been suspended from school for . . . OMG . . . FIGHTING!!!!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually, I didn't give any choices so you're seem to be imagining things like inherent racism every place.

Does anyone here think the muckers have gone too far when they want to boycott Florida, calle the women on the jury stupid and racist, and call Florida an apartheid country? Or is all of this just fine with you? (you see, that is called a choice)