Senator John McCain agrees with Obama for a review of Stand Your Ground laws

flghtr65's Avatar
McCain is lower than snake shit. Everybody knows that. Who cares what he says.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-21-2013, 02:45 PM
The Florida law is a bad piece of legislation. It is ill defined and far too subjective. Of course it should be reviewed.

And of course II doesn't like McCain--McCain is somewhere near the center. I don't agree with all Mc's points but unlike the Wackos he lives in the real world most the time.
LexusLover's Avatar
The ...he lives in the real world most the time. Originally Posted by Old-T
Not on this one. The "stand your ground" law in Florida had ZERO to do with the Zimmerman case: the defense said so, the prosecution said so, and the judge said so.

Secondly, the President and Congress have ZERO business "visiting" state law, the later ONLY if Congress perceives that it must "pre-empt" state law based on some notion of "interstate" or Federal constitutional mandates.

Obaminable ought to know better, McCain just doesn't.

Obaminable was acting like a windup doll the other day talking shit about "life" ... rather than concerning himself about some punk kid that bit off more than he could chew, he ought to be worried about how he is going to decrease the unemployment in the "Black community", which has been going up the last few months and is double that of the "white community." May be talk a bit on "family values" and pitching in to clean up neighborhoods, tear down falling down houses that serve as "meeting places," and "organize communities" with street and neighborhood watch teams to cut down on the intra-community violence. ....... remember .. He's the "great community organizer" ... that was his ONLY QUALIFICATION.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-21-2013, 04:40 PM
Take a deep breath.

First, I didn't say SYG was part of the Zimmerman trial. I said it was a badly constructed law.

Second, I certainly didn't say the feds should change the FL law.
If conclusion jumping ever becomes a Olympic sport a winger will win it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
McCain is just another Democrat in a Republican suit.
LexusLover's Avatar
Take a deep breath.

First, I didn't say SYG was part of the Zimmerman trial. I said it was a badly constructed law.

Second, I certainly didn't say the feds should change the FL law. Originally Posted by Old-T
You "take a deep breath" ... I had to go back and reread my post ....

I know "Iva-a-Small-One" fails reading comprehension, but I thought you were ok with it!

I didn't say you said ... I said "they" said it and connected it to Zimmerman-Martin.

If you were posting McCain as support for your proposition that Obaminable is "correct," then I suppose you "own" what they said for the purposes of this discussion in this thread.

On the other hand if you lumped in McCain to point out three (3) idiots, then ok, being:

McCain .. err... uuuhhh ...
This "bad-ass" .. "want-a-be"!

As for a "badly constructed" law ... since when is that the "standard" with the current administration as the "threshold" for "a re-visitation"?

Crafting a statute to fit predominate existing case law is difficult when attempting to appease varying degrees of objections to gun ownership and objections to the use of deadly force in the process of defending oneself, is a challenge to say the least. It is better than to have different interpretations from different courts around the state, which is what Texas experienced for years. It depended upon who was the DA and who was the sheriff in come counties.
Fuck ole Senator John.

Stand your ground laws were inacted for one thing. Citizens are sick and tired of being told to curl up in the fetal position and beg for mercy when confronted by thugs, punks, or gangstas who will rob you and do you harm.

The stand your ground laws go hand in hand with the concealed carry laws. If you are a thug, punk, or wanna be gangsta that wishes to confront a citizen, rob him, and do him harm, the cost of doing business went up.

American citizens are tired of being victims. That message should be made loud and clear.

If you don't want your gangsta son killed, then tell him that robbing and killing can extract a heavy price.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-22-2013, 07:51 AM
McCain is just another Democrat in a Republican suit. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Only if you define "Republican" as RRW. It's extremists like you who would ensure that the Reps never run a viable candidate.

Eventually the Reps will quit bowing down to the wackos and thumpers and start giving us voters a real choice in who to vote for.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Fuck ole Senator John.

Stand your ground laws were inacted for one thing. Citizens are sick and tired of being told to curl up in the fetal position and beg for mercy when confronted by thugs, punks, or gangstas who will rob you and do you harm.

The stand your ground laws go hand in hand with the concealed carry laws. If you are a thug, punk, or wanna be gangsta that wishes to confront a citizen, rob him, and do him harm, the cost of doing business went up.

American citizens are tired of being victims. That message should be made loud and clear.

If you don't want your gangsta son killed, then tell him that robbing and killing can extract a heavy price. Originally Posted by Jackie S
+1 Exactly!
LexusLover's Avatar
Fuck ole Senator John. Originally Posted by Jackie S
For a guy whose state is being overrun by illegal aliens he needs to "step back" and think!

But at a minimum he needs to worry about "his state" and leave the other 49 + one district alone.

Obaminable needs to worry about his home state before he returns, which can't be too soon!
You "take a deep breath" ... I had to go back and reread my post ....

I know "Iva-a-Small-One" fails reading comprehension, but I thought you were ok with it!

I didn't say you said ... I said "they" said it and connected it to Zimmerman-Martin.

If you were posting McCain as support for your proposition that Obaminable is "correct," then I suppose you "own" what they said for the purposes of this discussion in this thread.

On the other hand if you lumped in McCain to point out three (3) idiots, then ok, being:

McCain .. err... uuuhhh ...
This "bad-ass" .. "want-a-be"!

As for a "badly constructed" law ... since when is that the "standard" with the current administration as the "threshold" for "a re-visitation"?

Crafting a statute to fit predominate existing case law is difficult when attempting to appease varying degrees of objections to gun ownership and objections to the use of deadly force in the process of defending oneself, is a challenge to say the least. It is better than to have different interpretations from different courts around the state, which is what Texas experienced for years. It depended upon who was the DA and who was the sheriff in come counties. Originally Posted by LexusLover

I see you are in pursuit of the dumber than shit award. Keep on keeping on.
Gotyour6's Avatar

Oh, him

Who cares what he thinks.
I wish he would change parties already
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2013, 11:49 AM
Johnboy was a pretty special politician when he had Sweet Sarah in the campaign bus wasn't he ?

wingers do an about face ...