Why do providers use fuzzy out of focus pictures - do they think hobbyist are naive?

Daniel1965x's Avatar
So this is probably somewhat a rhetorical question but why do providers use fuzzy out of focus pictures - do they think hobbyist are naive?

I find real pictures, not modeling pictures to be much more interesting and find my self drawn away from glamor shots - glamor shot immediately make me think the provider is hiding the truth about their look.
Are glamour shots out of focus??? Or real ones out of focus??? From your statement it seems you don't like either.

And I wouldn't say your question is "rhetorical"...maybe something else....but not "rhetorical". If you don't like their pics don't go see them.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
Sometimes, the camera/program that she is using is not that good for clear pics, kind of like this, http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=877500 , but if you look at her showcase, the pics are much clearer and focused. As far as glamour shots go, I think one of two of those are good in a showcase, but she also has to have a few "regular" pics of her with light to no makeup on and lingerie, topless or other outfit on that you can see her figure. What I hate are the pics where she blurs out her face or intentionally cuts off the head to not show her face and then she claims how beautiful she is and that the pics are 100% accurate and of her. Many times, they say it is a security issue in most cases, but I tend to lean towards not seeing that provider for a session as it could be that she has more to hide than just her face!
She's using a filter to give it that appearance. picsArt for android has one. It is intended to make it look like an illistration. Cool filter. imo. Maybe she gets bored taking the same old ass shots in the mirror and just wanted to change it up a little. She ain't hard to look at - at all! - so I don't see the problem. This was the subject of a different thread last week. If he wanted to lament why not do it there.

As far as cutting off or blurring the face goes.... Lemme tell you how much I WISH I COULD SHOW MY FACE in showcase and thread pics! I'm proud of my looks and would love to show off my face along with the rest of me. Unfortunately, good judgement prevails and I keep my identity private. Would you plaster your face all over an escort site??? Well, me either.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
Not trying to nit pick here, I am not saying that it is wrong to blur your face or cut the face off in a pic, understanding you want privacy and all, but when a provider claims how gorgeous she is in an ad, and she very well be, but does not let you see her face and she will not even send a pic via cell or email once she verifies you, then to me, it is somewhat deceptive. Only the guys that have seen a provider in person would know what she looks like, but that is their opinion on the beauty. Does that make sense?

As far as getting tired of the same old ass shots, I can understand that, however, as you said, this is an escort site, not a dating site, so guys want to see some skin and particular poses, if you will, when they are browsing showcases and ad pics, at least I do.
Iaintliein's Avatar
To assume that a posed, well lit photo is "hiding" something makes as much sense as assuming that a yellow, fuzzy, out of focus cell phone selfie means the subject in real life is yellow, fuzzy, and out of focus.

Lots of pictures get over edited. But, a high resolution picture under hard lighting will also not look like the person you see. Cameras and eyes are different. If you try to re-imagine how a person looks in your minds eye, the brain applies its own filters, whereas you can stare for hours at a clinically accurate picture and pick out every wrinkle and pore. And I guarantee you wont' be visiting them under three or four 650W hotlights or 1800 Watt/second strobes. There has to be a balance.

Though the OP did not use the term, folks who complain about "photoshopped" images simply aren't interested enough in photography to realize that photoshop can help a picture look more like the real person.

I've always been happy to read in reviews of the few ladies I've shot that they look exactly like their pictures, or often better than their pictures. And I always do some work in photoshop before sending them to the ladies, not to hide them, but to show them as the human eye would see them. When I do go overboard in the artsy/farsy vein it's certainly obvious enough that the pictures is not meant to represent the real person.

Tattoos, BBFS, Race and Photography always seem to be the top four most controversial issues here, and won't change anytime soon.

The only way a lady can reach most of the audience is to have a wide variety of photos.
Not trying to nit pick here, I am not saying that it is wrong to blur your face or cut the face off in a pic, understanding you want privacy and all, but when a provider tells you how gorgeous she is, but does not let you see her face and she will not even send a pic via cell or email once she verifies you, then to me, it is somewhat deceptive. Does that make sense? Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
I can verify THN is a VERY beautiful woman and I'm sure anyone that's met her would agree - her face is stunning, she's being modest. I can fully respect a person's privacy concerns.
Or be undeniably hot even in a "bad" photo. Hell TNTKelly, my favorite example in these discussions, doesn't show her whole face, or even frontal nudity. And if you think that ain't one hot babe worth seein' if she wouldn't publish or send shit else, your momma raised a fool. The same can be said of others, like THN. Anyone with people watching skills or a good eye for the ladies can tell what's up. Even if a hotty body turns out to be mutt ugly, turn off the lights and grope! Or, better still, write a review so the next guy who clocks a perfect set of tits and ass understands that the risk of bubba teeth or witch nose is involved if it's a concern to you.

Like THN said, don't go.

And now, since we're in coed, who's the hottest/ugliest/wettest/fattest/skinniest/most pizzafaced/cottage cheese assed/deep throat/gagger woman between 21 and 76 in the block just behind the Walmart Neighborhood Market on Coit?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I've seen just really poor quality photos in showcases for years and I have often wondered why someone just couldn't snap a better picture?

I think that the ladies who have poor photos just don't know better, or they don't have the money for better pictures or they just don't care.

The whole philosophy of whether professional photos are better or the candid ones are has been debated a lot in the past.

I'm HIGHLY unphotogenic. So I prefer others to take my picture and I will have to go through several pictures to find one good one.

However, I did see a very impressive website the other day that had two categories of pictures. Candid and Professional. It was one of the best websites that I've seen in a long time but she wasn't a Dallas or Texas lady.

I'd like to do that some day.

Even after screening, I will not send a photo over the phone of my face.

Why? Men will share it. Or post it. Men will lie about things especially when it comes to sex and photo sharing.

This isn't to say that women don't lie, either. But I'm not going to trust sending a stranger a picture of my face with the promise that it won't be shared. Regardless of if he's been screened or not.

I still don't know him. Not really.

Good topic. I've looked at pictures of what appears to be attractive women and have just cringed at some of the backgrounds and quality of the photo.
OldGrump's Avatar
I completely understand a provider not wanting to show her face. Those that hide it are real people who live in the community and want to keep their hobby private. That's why we avoid using our real names and phone numbers (at least, most of us). They deserve equal anonymity if they want.

If you like the body and reviews, you'll probably like the face. If not, you didn't research properly. If there are any "ugly surprises" (though I never met a woman with a smile who was ugly), it will be there to read.

Like THN said, many use artistic filters and apps to be creative. It gets attention and shows ingenuity. You can do about anything you want with photo editors but many use what they have. Some camera shots do have poor lighting and awkward angles. That will improve with experience.
Sometimes, the camera/program that she is using is not that good for clear pics, kind of like this, http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=877500 , but if you look at her showcase, the pics are much clearer and focused. As far as glamour shots go, I think one of two of those are good in a showcase, but she also has to have a few "regular" pics of her with light to no makeup on and lingerie, topless or other outfit on that you can see her figure. What I hate are the pics where she blurs out her face or intentionally cuts off the head to not show her face and then she claims how beautiful she is and that the pics are 100% accurate and of her. Many times, they say it is a security issue in most cases, but I tend to lean towards not seeing that provider for a session as it could be that she has more to hide than just her face! Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
Interesting showcase. My advice for her would be to have several of the moles examined by a physician/dermatologist (not joking). Hopefully she has.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
Interesting showcase. My advice for her would be to have several of the moles examined by a physician/dermatologist (not joking). Hopefully she has. Originally Posted by SD2011

Yes you can tell the pics in her showcase are photo shopped, I was not trying to point her out in any way, just using that as an example of clear pics in the showcase opposed to the initial pics she put up in her WW post.
I need to go look at her showcase pics on my laptop bc from my phone they look really good: Cute face (dimples especially), great body. Didn't notice "moles" except in the W&I pic which I took to be a photo filter issue so idk.... did I miss something.

Thank you, EL214 and phildo for complimenting my looks. I feel all warm and fuzzy in *special* places now.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Yes you can tell the pics in her showcase are photo shopped, I was not trying to point her out in any way, just using that as an example of clear pics in the showcase opposed to the initial pics she put up in her WW post. Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
Another possibility is that it's the photos in the ad that were over edited.

Seeing artifacts on the bed and floor that mimic those on her leg leads me to believe these are very low resolution pictures that somebody hit way too hard with noise reduction and sharpening.

The truth is probably in between, both sets were edited, and she really looks like something in between. I'd love to take some headshots of her sometime, great hair!

Just for fun, I decided to try out my theory. Below is a shot I took of the lovely Dallas Bella, in the following shot I added noise, then used noise reduction and sharpening, not perfect, but the best way I know to mimic a low res shot after the fact. In the real world the shadows would have more noise therefore bigger "lumps" after this process. With Photoshop I applied the noise uniformly. Also blown highlights like in the Ad pictures of the young lady above would have virtually no noise, so the "moles" are only in the more shadowed area and clumped together by the attempt to salvage detail with sharpening after denoise (I think).
pmdelites's Avatar
So this is probably somewhat a rhetorical question but why do providers use fuzzy out of focus pictures - do they think hobbyist are naive?
==>pmd: who knows why they post the photos they do.
while some may post photos that are the most flattering to them and not "real", i'd bet that some women dont think we are naive.
asking this question is like asking "why does that woman charge x for 30mins and 2.5x for an hour?"

I find real pictures, not modeling pictures, to be much more interesting and find my self drawn away from glamor shots - glamor shot immediately make me think the provider is hiding the truth about their look. Originally Posted by Daniel1965x
great, like the ones you like and dislike the ones you dislike.
i support you in that.
but i say just look at the photos and appreciate them for what they are - photos.

then base your decision about visiting her on whatever criteria you choose, photos, ad text, location, fee, skills, etc.

but remember that you can judge a book better by its contents than by its cover.