The Function of Language is Communication!

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
I love Noam Chomsky and his videos. He is philospher, a linguist, and a very intelligent man. I always like those kind

Never follow the crowd, be yourself, just because

We are unique for a reason. Guess I got philosphical

See you soon, in the "Fifth Dimension"! I believe in physics and string theory.

Never followed the crowd

"Birds that fly instinctively swim". Noam doing linguistics again:P

We live in a "lineal world", yet physics tells us we are all connected. Just ask about a theory not yet proven. I love something not yet proven, because sometimes theories become hard science! Time and space is always relative. Live for the moment and always be creative.
FoulRon's Avatar
No Theory is "proven". If one does become proven, then it becomes a Law.
WTF is this thread?
FoulRon's Avatar
Normally I try to ignore HMD, but the scientist in me couldn't ignore this one. Sorry.
Espouses Communism and anti-Semitism. Really works well I hear. Tens of millions of lives spared. Good times!
Bobave's Avatar
Noam Chomsky? Another political post? >: >
but I have to comment on this:
ICWYDT - "a linguist, and a very intelligent man" - I see why you like that. He's a "cunning linguist". heh
pyramider's Avatar
All I hear is a hearty "NORMMMMM."
HMD, it seems you have gotten a few rusty ol' brain cells working amongst the crowd. (Mine included) LoL!

I love thought provoking. And you dear girl have made a fan out of me.
Allow me to explain how I feel about this thread by haiku:

"Fuck art for art's sake.
It never seems to make sense.
No Theory is "proven". If one does become proven, then it becomes a Law. Originally Posted by FoulRon
If it confirms one's beliefs it's "proven." Otherwise, it's "just a theory."

Just kidding, and that's a fact.