Spurs - 2014 NBA champs

TSPURS123's Avatar
Yes!! After years of my teams kicking me in the nuts (Rangers, Cowboys, Stars and Spurs), I finally get to enjoy another championship! Last year was a terrible punch in the nuts, the way they lost to the freaking Heat. Ahh, sweet revenge as they spanked those same Heat in these finals!! Go Spurs Go!! Now if only the Cowboys could get their act together.
Shep3.0's Avatar
During the award ceremony, Peter Holt stated "I have the best guys in the business...Buford and Pop".

I could never see Jerry Jones saying something like that.
Boltfan's Avatar
Leonard MVP. Loved watching that kid play in college.
You nailed it, Shepster! If anything, (and IF the Cowboys do win another championship) Jerry will be belting out Sinatra's signature song "My Way."

No spreading the credit around by that guy.....ever. And that's why Dallas (under Jerry's rule) is doomed to remain an 8 and 8 team for eternity.

I could never see Jerry Jones saying something like that. Originally Posted by Shep3.0
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Another NBA thread?
  • MRMR
  • 06-18-2014, 05:49 PM
True team Basketball.
I have always appreciated Pop and the way his teams play.
They should have won last year but great to see them kick ass!
If it's not the Mavs in my book might as well be the Spurs. I respect them.
Will interesting to see what happens in Miami from here.