Road Trip to Arkansas I

Hi guys I am going to Arkansas. Should be there by morning. Will keep you posted if I come back. I have had some events that caused a mental breakdown involving some very cruel people and am on the road to recovery. I am visiting family in Arkansas until I can heal and trust again. Those of you that know me know I have a heart of gold and would never hurt anyone. I don't want to put the people out there that did this but just know If I come back no more submissive appointments. I was betrayed by my own security and raped by multiple men. I don't know how long it will take for me to recover. That is why noone has heard from me. I had a total mental breakdown. I even feared my own child. I am going to be with my family and take my time to recover. I can only hope for the best and those of you that know me know you are in my heart and I will never forget you.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Best wishes, young lady.
Petergriffin1980's Avatar
Wow that's terrible I'm sorry that happened to you I could never understand how people could do horrible things and cause pain to another person just terrible
inspector farquar's Avatar
... I was betrayed by my own security and raped by multiple men. I don't know how long it will take for me to recover ... Originally Posted by EveParadise
It will take as long as it takes, Miss.

May I be so forward as to suggest that talking with a professional therapist is a good first step? There are many low cost, and no cost, options available.

Good luck.
Get help. I'm going to be brutally honest and say that due to you posting this threAD you will now probably need a professional business counselor along with a professional therapist.

Sometimes it's best to just let them think you have gone crazy rather than to log on and confirm it.