Fantastic Four

I gotta admit, the reviews are so bad that I'm tempted to see it out of morbid fascination...
mark77070's Avatar
I saw one in Atlantic Monthly that chewed it up into little bitty pieces. Mind you, Atlantic Monthly types are paid to be snooty. But the review was well-written and hilarious. The movie seems to have far more than its share of plot holes and inexplicable character shifts.

What were they thinking?
Roger.Smith's Avatar
I saw one in Atlantic Monthly that chewed it up into little bitty pieces. Mind you, Atlantic Monthly types are paid to be snooty. But the review was well-written and hilarious. The movie seems to have far more than its share of plot holes and inexplicable character shifts.

What were they thinking? Originally Posted by mark77070
I'm waiting until it comes to cable, has been shitting on the FF all week.
Super Sonic's Avatar
Won't see it, at least not until it hits Direct TV, but I heard the old time fans were condemning it from the start with all the liberties taken on the characters back stories. ( Different team origin story, young Reed Richards, black Johnny Storm, etc.)

It must be horrible with all the bad press it's been getting. This must be on the same scale of "Water World" and "Ishtar".
bpowers20's Avatar
I have been excited about this movie for months!!and honestly it wasn't terrible but it wasn't good or even worth the price of admission..your better off watching it on the Internet..there is a solid copy of it out there right now if you know the websites to use.
playerplano's Avatar
I agree it just wasn't good and I was disappointed .
I never allowed myself to get excited for this one. I just feel FF is one of the Marvel entities that don't translate well on the big screen.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Fox rushed production of this movie because the rights would.have reverted back to Marvel if they hadn't. At least Sony knew they were fucking up Spider-Man, or rather after they got hacked and their emails were exposed to the world, they finally understood they were fucking up. Sony is working with Marvel because Marvel actually understands how to make a comicbook movie.

Fox should do them same and ask Marvel for help. As far as DC, I have no hope for them.
It seems like the BVS early screenings are getting rave reviews though, so they may surprise us with this one!
bpowers20's Avatar
I'm that guy that gets excited over a trailer ff had me pumped and I was one of the few that loved the least all individually.but your didn't want to lose the rights and had to churn a movie out quick and it definitely shows.oh well there's always x men..they will own 2016 with 3 movies coming out
I have high hopes for Deadpool!
dallasfan's Avatar
Definitely better than the 8 they have it on rotten tomatoes. Better than some of the other marvel movies with better reviews but I am kinda bored with all the marvel movies.
bpowers20's Avatar
I have high hopes for Deadpool! Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
I haven't even started to pay attention to Deadpool talking about x men apocalypse,wolverine 3 (the very last one),and gambit..still astounds me that he never got included in the x men movies but somehow will get his own spinoff..watched the Deadpool trailer and it looks hilarious and awesome..just not sure about Ryan Reynolds as a hero...again lol (green lantern anyone)
Roger.Smith's Avatar
It's comments like the one from the Warner Bros. CEO that has me pessimistic about BvS. Hopefully they were able to make it better, but it doesn't help that I don't respect Zack Synder's ability as a director.
My favorite review of the movie:

"Seemingly made by people who have never seen a superhero movie and starring people unhappy to be in one, “Fantastic Four” is a shocking abomination of an outstretched, moronic, drama-less time-suck that somehow manages to be less fun than “Pixels,” which was only slightly more enjoyable than slamming a door on your face. The new, insultingly boring “F4,” whose existence wasn’t implicitly objectionable due to the unanimously agreed-upon, craptastic corniness of the 2005 version, robs its titular words of all meaning. I may never use that adjective again and will have to skip from three to five for a while."

Deadpool is gonna rock.