Giant seed pods land in the fields outside a small California town...A young doctor begins treating children whose parents say there is something "off" with their child...Soon adults appear to be passive and conformist. The doctor encounters a ripening pod...The pods are ripening into clones of the population while it sleeps. Soon the authorities are herding people and forcing them to take a pod in order to join them in passive bliss. The doctor rebels against the authorities...He wants to remain an individual.

When I read posts containing Covid porn fear, I am reminded of this flick.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Yup...Here comes the national vaccine database, with Republican support.

In a few I go to Wegman's, where I'll see the sheepul pushing their carts, wearing their masks...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
some wear the mask as ya say sheepul
others wear it so a sheepul exploding is not fun ta put up with
I have never seen anyone kicked out of Wegman's for not wearing
exploding sheepul mmmmm yup many times
valkyra's Avatar
such a good movie. ideas back then were beyond their time. if only we could have an ounce of that raw creativity in modern-day movies. now we're just remaking everything...
such a good movie. ideas back then were beyond their time. if only we could have an ounce of that raw creativity in modern-day movies. now we're just remaking everything... Originally Posted by valkyra
FOOTNOTE: The movie was directed by Don Siegel, who mentored Clint Eastwood when the latter expressed a desire to direct.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
There's a brief scene in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest where RPM questions Mildred and the younger Puero Rican looking nurse about the pills they're anesthesizing him with that kind of reminds me of the authoritarian national socialist democrat pieces of shit and what they think of ordinary peasants.

Outstanding movie too. Reminds me of this place.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
There's a brief scene in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest where RPM questions Mildred and the younger Puero Rican looking nurse about the pills they're anesthesizing him with that kind of reminds me of the authoritarian national socialist democrat pieces of shit and what they think of ordinary peasants.

Outstanding movie too. Reminds me of this place. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

OFOTCN is such a great movie. I would put it on my top 5 of all time. The other four anything Kubrick directed before the 90's. I know Tarantino has a big fan base, but not my style.

I liked 78 remake of Body Snatchers with Donald Sutherland. I saw it at the Waring Theater for a buck, it was a double Feature with Altered States. I haven't seen the Original.
lilylivered's Avatar
Original is better like most are
OFOTCN is such a great movie. I would put it on my top 5 of all time. The other four anything Kubrick directed before the 90's. I know Tarantino has a big fan base, but not my style.

I liked 78 remake of Body Snatchers with Donald Sutherland. I saw it at the Waring Theater for a buck, it was a double Feature with Altered States. I haven't seen the Original. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
See the original. Black and white. Please let me know what you think. Whenever...