Sexy petite white girl - info?

A new ad with inviting photos, but it reads like maybe someone else is writing the words. Makes me suspicious. Any thoughts?
Picture do not appear anywhere using Google Image or TinEye. The phone number doesn't show up anywhere, but that is not unusual being the women are using free IP phones numbers these days. shows this number:

(701) 419-4449 is a VoIP number based in US.
It is operated by TextNow - Neutral Tandem - SVR.
Carrier : TextNow - Neutral Tandem - SVR
If I were you I would proceed with caution. Could be a newbie. Ask for a picture verification. Make sure you ask if they are independent. You could ask to meet in a public place. Myself, I'm thinking Fargo has a few real verified woman that I would setup with. Good Luck and try to stay out of the crowbar motel or worse yet getting mugged.