Premium and deletion question

Easy question: Does the 250 bucks get you lifetime full access to everything, just like the timed or credit for reviewing?

Harder question before I sign up: I see a lot of "delete me" requests where the accounts are merely disabled. Does Eccie allow for GDPR or CCPA compliant "forget me" deletions to make it like I never existed?
gman44's Avatar
Premium Access enables members to view "The Rest of the Story" (ROS) content within reviews which is not available to guests to the site, registered members, or our female members. You will also be able to make and view "Private" posts in our public forums as well as have access to additional "Premium Access Only" forums...such as the Men's Lounge. Premium Access also includes an increased Private Messaging (PM) capacity, from 50 message limit for basic membership to 1,000 messages for Premium Access members. This prevents unnecessary deletion of messages and allows for creation of custom folders, organization, and message archiving.

and accounts can only be disabled or guested but nothing is ever deleted

I hope that answered your questions
Chung Tran's Avatar

and accounts can only be disabled or guested but nothing is ever deleted
Originally Posted by gman44
Well, almost nothing is ever deleted.

My very best review was deleted from the Houston Forum, along with other recent reviews of a certain Spa that requested all reviews be deleted. They were feeling the heat, and hoped scrubbing ECCIE reviews might beat back the law.

It didn't.. They lasted 2 more months. Which was good in one sense. Had they remained, I would have made monthly visits, blown lots of cash. As good as the Spa scene used to be in Dallas, that particular Houston Spa was the best ever, by a comfortable margin.