Had a gent several years ago, who was a fun client. He was a Manager of Marketing or some similar title, who worked for a booze manufacturer, so always brought free samples and promotional items. Nice perk for sure, but he also negotiated a couple of times and then he did the unthinkable. He left up a pic or a profile for his lady to find and she contacted me on several occasions as if I were to blame for her man straying. It was less pleasant than that, so I'll skip the details. I never got a sorry, kiss my butt or anything. He just disappeared under the more watchful eye of his lady, I guess.
Guess who contacts me this morning and several years later and wants to catch up? If ya guessed booze dude, ding ding ding, get that lady/gent a prize!. LOL
I gave him the lowdown on my new location and rates, at which point, he proceeded to tell me all his problems, and how he's having to pay child support on two kids now...blah blah blah. I'm really sorry to hear that, I answer back, but guess what? I already put my head on the chopping block for you, am just getting over a broken rib and wasn't able to work for a bit, on top of having to put a transmission in the car. I'd kinda like to eat and pay my bills. Any way you could figure it out?
He then tells me, yes indeed I did go thru some trouble for him, and how about this evening? I get back and tell him, sounds great!
He has already cancelled. Go figure! LOL
Moral of the Story?
You tell me........