Isabella Spain friend Candice?

Highly unlikely but I gotta ask anyway…
Back in December I saw a chick, I forgot the name she went by.. but her real name is Candice…

She used to work with Isabella spain. I can’t find Candice ad, or even a number. I believe it ended in 9800 but again I don’t have any record of it anymore..

Hoping someone knows who I’m talking about.

She around under 5 5, maybe 120-130lb had some big MM and a MM ass, along with a tattoo on the top of one of her MM..

Any help would be great if you know who I’m talking about…
CantBuyMeLove's Avatar
Your description of the friend makes me think of Isabella Presley, but I think she's a little over the 120-130 mark now.
May just be the name that triggers my memory.
I saw her pre-surgeries and she was awesome, not my type now.
Naaa not her looking at the photos.. but appreciate the help!