US Chamber Tries to Dismantle Immigration Law

Along with Rep. Lamar Smith (R. of Tx.), the US Chamber of Commerce is trying to get legislation passed which will curb the states from adopting employment verification laws that are important to curbing illegal immigration.

In a recent 5-3 decision the US Supreme Court upheld Arizona's right to require e-verify (immigration check) for all employment in the state. The US Chamber was the opposing side to Arizona (Chambers vs Whiting).

But Lamar Smith, waterboy for the US Chamber of Commerce, is working to unwind the decision through federalizing the e-verify process. Sounds good, don't it? But it isn't. The legislation will block states from doing their own checks. We know what more federalization of immigration leads to more illegal immigration.

The US Chamber wants more cheap labor; hurting both skilled and un-skilled working Americans. The US Chamber of Commerce are not nice people.