It’s not just the Dems that are fed up of Trump.

BlisswithKriss's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
huffpost story. enough said..

sad to see libs buying this fake news story or anyone

more credibility in the national enquirer
you need help.. if you don't want to talk about tits and pussy go somewhere else please....the world is not 24-7 hate trump
pleasurem's Avatar
What, things are too good for you?
I like how everyone's all focused on "Orange Man Bad" when the boogaloo is about to kick off in VA next week when the Governor tries to order the National Guard to start confiscating guns because the county sheriffs refuse to enforce his unconstitutional new gun laws.

How that whole situation plays out is gonna make or break a lot of stuff nation-wide.
Dev Null's Avatar
I like how everyone's all focused on "Orange Man Bad" when the boogaloo is about to kick off in VA next week when the Governor tries to order the National Guard to start confiscating guns because the county sheriffs refuse to enforce his unconstitutional new gun laws.

How that whole situation plays out is gonna make or break a lot of stuff nation-wide. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Yes, but only in an alternate reality created by a white supremacist nut-case with serious anger management issues, a history of spreading inflammatory misinformation, and who's also done time in the pokey for threatening federal judges.

Not exactly the most credible source, and no one else is talking about calling out the National Guard in Virginia.

There are no new gun laws in Virginia just yet, but with Democrats in charge of state government starting in January, there may be some new common-sense regulations, like universal background checks, one gun per month limits, and red-flag laws for people posing an immediate threat.
you need help.. if you don't want to talk about tits and pussy go somewhere else please....the world is not 24-7 hate trump Originally Posted by average joe

Why not, Trump is a boob who likes to grab women by the pussy and is fucking over our nation.
Dev Null's Avatar
Why not, Trump is a boob who likes to grab women by the pussy and is fucking over our nation. Originally Posted by stikiwikit
You forgot his mushroom penis and Yeti pubes, per Stormy Daniels:

Maybe a little manscaping would be in order before he goes out hobbying.
There are no new gun laws in Virginia just yet, but with Democrats in charge of state government starting in January, there may be some new common-sense regulations, like universal background checks, one gun per month limits, and red-flag laws for people posing an immediate threat. Originally Posted by Dev Null
"Common Sense" is that any and all gun laws are an infringement on the 2nd amendment, universal background checks are already nation-wide, no one can tell me what to do with my money, and red flag laws are Minority Report style "pre-crime" that violates the 5th and 14th amendments.

Any elected official or law enforcement officer who enforces such things are traitors to their oaths to the constitution. and not to be obeyed.

Make tar & feathering great again.
Yes, but only in an alternate reality created by a white supremacist nut-case with serious anger management issues, a history of spreading inflammatory misinformation, and who's also done time in the pokey for threatening federal judges.

Not exactly the most credible source, and no one else is talking about calling out the National Guard in Virginia. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Oh yeah, Turner's full of shit, Northam didn't say that, but McEachin suggested it:

And the Adjutant General responded saying they haven't received orders yet:

But in the meantime they've also introduced bills to strip LEO's that refuse to cooperate:

And to expanded the enforcement budget anticipating non-compliance:

Still sounds like some tyrannical bullshit to me, but I expect that from coasties, especially Bloomberg.
Dev Null's Avatar
"Common Sense" is that any and all gun laws are an infringement on the 2nd amendment, universal background checks are already nation-wide, no one can tell me what to do with my money, and red flag laws are Minority Report style "pre-crime" that violates the 5th and 14th amendments.

Any elected official or law enforcement officer who enforces such things are traitors to their oaths to the constitution. and not to be obeyed.

Make tar & feathering great again. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Whether you like it or not, constitutional amendments mean only what the Supreme Court rules. Just ask any potential draftee from back before the draft was sidelined in 1973.

Involuntary servitude was abolished by the 13th Amendment, except as punishment for a crime. There were no other conditions on that amendment.

The Supreme Court ruled in Butler v. Perry in 1916 that the 13th amendment didn't apply to services owed to the state, like military duty, etc.

That didn't render the 13th amendment meaningless, as I felt when I was at draft age in the Vietnam era. It still protected others from slavery. It just didn't protect me and my friends.

But I and others like me were bound by the Supreme Court decision, because that's just the way things work.

Whether you believe that any gun laws are constitutional or not has little bearing on your responsibility to abide by them until the Supreme Court decides otherwise.

I am a veteran who volunteered for military service during the Vietnam era. I was lucky to not be placed in combat, because those who did suffered unimaginable horrors for most of their lives as a result of their service.

I support the right of people to protect themselves with firearms, but I believe that gun rights have gone way over the line. There are way too many military rifles making their way south of the border and forcing refugees here. We need to take some common sense measures to stop that flow of lethal aid to drug cartels.

And there are way too many mass murders as a result of unregulated firearms sales here. I don't know what the answer is, but we can't keep doing crazy stuff and expecting a different result.
Whether you believe that any gun laws are constitutional or not has little bearing on your responsibility to abide by them until the Supreme Court decides otherwise. Originally Posted by Dev Null
On the contrary, the validity of a law lies entirely in the hands of the populace who are subject to a law, which is why people drive over the speed limit or kill each other even though murder is illegal. People elect to ignore the law every day, and many people wouldn't hesitate doing so if such a law went against their core values.

If the people who make laws or enforce wish to continue doing so, it would be in their best interest to remember who they're beholden to.
Dev Null's Avatar
On the contrary, the validity of a law lies entirely in the hands of the populace who are subject to a law, which is why people drive over the speed limit or kill each other even though murder is illegal. People elect to ignore the law every day, and many people wouldn't hesitate doing so if such a law went against their core values.

If the people who make laws or enforce wish to continue doing so, it would be in their best interest to remember who they're beholden to. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
There was a pretty good book awhile back called How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World by Harry Browne. You might want to check it out if you haven't already seen it. Kind of a libertarian anthem. He ran for President in 2000. The book is available on Kindle, but I can save you the $7.99 in a few paragraphs.

1. All around you are forces that stop you from doing what you want. If you drive 20 mph over the speed limit, you could be arrrested and taken to jail for reckless driving. God help you if you have any prohibited things in the car.

2. It feels good to be free, even if we know that we could do time in the pokey for it.

3. Do what you please within the bounds of your risk tolerance. If you are free in your heart, a little time in the pokey can do no harm.

4. I just made $7.99 for telling you that. It's great to be free.

Others may disagree with my synopsis of the book, but it made pretty good reading while I was on my way to boot camp in the 70's. When my drill sergeant confiscated it, he gave me a withering look. He didn't treat me differently than other recruits, though.

Your experience may differ if you have the misfortune to bring your particular baggage to a correctional facility.

You know that can be the outcome if you break the law. Which ultimately comes down to the Supreme Court sometimes, if you have the legal resources.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
"Common Sense" is that any and all gun laws are an infringement on the 2nd amendment, universal background checks are already nation-wide, no one can tell me what to do with my money, and red flag laws are Minority Report style "pre-crime" that violates the 5th and 14th amendments.

Any elected official or law enforcement officer who enforces such things are traitors to their oaths to the constitution. and not to be obeyed.

Make tar & feathering great again. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
The court system, up to and including the Supreme Court of the U.S., disagrees with your statement that "any and all gun laws are an infringement on the 2nd amendment."

Courts have consistently ruled that the 2nd Amendment is not absolute.