Just in case you thought seeming healthy mattered


On March 10, 2020 sixty people ignored social isolation for a choir rehearsal.
• None coughed, sneezed or appeared sick in any way
• All sang a safe distance apart
• All used hand sanitizer
• Nobody hugged, shook hands or made any other physical contact

Three weeks later out of the 60 who showed up forty-five have come down with Covid-19, three are in critical condition and two are dead.

CDC says this is powerful evidence that it is transmitted as aerosol from breathing rather than just droplets from coughs or sneezing which fall to the ground faster.

In a humid lab environment the virus remained airborne for three hours although it was stated that in real world normal dry conditions it would remain airborne 30 minutes.

Bottom line if you walk anywhere that a carrier with no symptoms has walked within the past 30 minutes you are at serious risk.

If 45 cases out of 60 people with NO symptoms doesn't wake your ass up then I'll see you on the other side.
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Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...If 45 cases out of 60 people with NO symptoms doesn't wake your ass up then I'll see you on the other side. Originally Posted by Sirgenerous
I wonder if a gathering of 60 people fell within the CDC and government size of groups recommendation. Though I'm not 100% sure what they were on that particular date.

I don't see how anyone can pass up on crack reporting from Yahoo, but let's give a whirl. Shall we? Let's try a random place like New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

The data, which reflects events and activities as of April 1, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. ET, showed that the majority of coronavirus-related deaths in the city — 1,139 based on the data provided in the release — involved individuals with underlying illnesses or conditions. Those, according to NYC Health, include lung disease, cancer, diabetes, immunodeficiency, heart disease, hypertension, asthma, kidney disease, and GI/ liver disease.

But what fun is life if we don't supply pictures, you may ask? Otay, let's try one from:

Bear in mind, the below lists only known deaths, in the listed areas in the study. Many people have the bug and don't even know it, many exhibit only mild symptoms and many do recover. Long and short is; quality data is finally rolling in, no thanks to China.

By all reasonable means possible; be smart, wash your hands, limit access to people for now, follow the CDC guidelines and use your head for more than a simple hat rack. If you feel you have symptoms, call your doctor. If you know you have one or more of the preexisting conditions mentioned, be very aware, very careful and call your doctor for advice as needed.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...On March 10, 2020 sixty people ignored social isolation for a choir rehearsal... Originally Posted by Sirgenerous
On Mach 18, 2020 several High School students practiced their choral interlude and none of them got sick from doing so. There are some other noteworthy examples that are similar.


So use that noodle and stay safe.
On Mach 18, 2020 several High School students practiced their choral interlude and none of them got sick from doing so. There are some other noteworthy examples that are similar.


So use that noodle and stay safe. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

You do know what the headline "Round Rock High School choir meets "virtually" during coronavirus outbreak" means right?

It doesn't mean they virtually got together to sing somewhere.

It means they sang online "virtually" with pics explicitly showing as much.

Please tell me you were just pretending to be clueless but actually realized this.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You do know what the headline "Round Rock High School choir meets "virtually" during coronavirus outbreak" means right?... Originally Posted by Sirgenerous
Why_Yes_I_Do. It means the quality of education in Round Rock must be a whole lot better than in Skagit Valley, in that they apparently teach their young citizens how to use their head for more than a simple hat rack.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Possible cure to tackle the get back to work mob Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

Yea, It will suck a fair bit going back to work. Though the first round of protesting sure was good times. Met some great folk for future events as they arise. I was fortunate enough to scrounge up groceries and a few watermelons even. Guess I won't be needing the melons any more. On the upside, the extra practice and learning gained while off work was useful.



Anyway, Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's back to work I go...
Precious_b's Avatar
Ah, BWK. What happened to y'ah?