Marissa's new contact.

Thanks Sixxbach
sixxbach's Avatar
LOL this is too easy, so I will give you a pass

CRamsey's Avatar
this is a joke right? Are we bein Punk'd???????? Ashton??
Ms Francisca's Avatar
Marisa has been sitting at my dinning room table, working her butt off for the past few days learning to use eccie. She posted a ThreADD, realized what she had done when Sixx replied & followed my instructions....
1)Hit EDIT
2)Give Reason For Edit - Made mistake
3)Thank Sixx for pointing out the ThreADD (No Sarcasm) - She said Thank you Sixx..
4)Hit Save

You can see the rest of the story... You have to admit, it is freaking funny.
Working for days to learn to use eccie? Is it that hard?
  • Booth
  • 08-26-2011, 07:16 AM
Working for days to learn to use eccie? Is it that hard? Originally Posted by Pflugerbill
My thoughts exactly. Wow.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Depends on how computer literate you are to begin with.

If you've never been on a board/chat you have to first understand the concept of such communication before getting to using it.

Then again, I thought most of the younger gen got that from school.
I'm confused
knotty man's Avatar
I'm confused Originally Posted by CupOfJava
uh oh.. MOD DOWN...MOD DOWN!!!
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 08-26-2011, 10:30 AM
uh oh.. MOD DOWN...MOD DOWN!!! Originally Posted by knotty man
It's his birthday today, we should cut the guy some slack...

runswithscissors's Avatar
I'm confused Originally Posted by CupOfJava

It's called a "Senior Moment", kinda like a "Blonde Moment" and Happy Bithday, Java; I better get that in before I have a senior moment and forget...

Now what was I doing....
Ms Francisca's Avatar
Working for days to learn to use eccie? Is it that hard? Originally Posted by Pflugerbill
My thoughts exactly. Wow. Originally Posted by Booth
Yes Sir, 2 days to be exact, 8 hrs per day.

How hard is it to learn that kindness will have a much more positive result?

I know you 2 are Mature adults & have been in the hobby world for a minute or two... Have you not figure out that being nice to a girl will in-turn make her be nice to you??? She might even take the initiative and Time to learn everything she can about the hobby.... Giving you more time to play & less time policing the board...

If it takes her 2 months to learn the business side of providing, and after those 2 months she becomes a great provider..... Do you honestly have a problem with that???

Depends on how computer literate you are to begin with.

If you've never been on a board/chat you have to first understand the concept of such communication before getting to using it. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor

I am "Computer Literate" but I am Illiterate as far of the mechanical aspects of eccie, acronyms, chats, etc... I just learned what spamming someone means... My computer experience is in other fields, not hobby related.

Then again, I thought most of the younger gen got that from school. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
I did also, but for whatever reason, she didn't.
She is learning now. Not to mention, apologized for her mistake.

For what it's worth... I have never met a Young Lady, drug/alcohol free, that has been more eager to learn this business than Marisa.
sixxbach's Avatar
Yes Sir, 2 days to be exact, 8 hrs per day.

How hard is it to learn that kindness will have a much more positive result?

I know you 2 are Mature adults & have been in the hobby world for a minute or two... Have you not figure out that being nice to a girl will in-turn make her be nice to you??? She might even take the initiative and Time to learn everything she can about the hobby.... Giving you more time to play & less time policing the board...

If it takes her 2 months to learn the business side of providing, and after those 2 months she becomes a great provider..... Do you honestly have a problem with that???


I am "Computer Literate" but I am Illiterate as far of the mechanical aspects of eccie, acronyms, chats, etc... I just learned what spamming someone means... My computer experience is in other fields, not hobby related.

I did also, but for whatever reason, she didn't.
She is learning now. Not to mention, apologized for her mistake.

For what it's worth... I have never met a Young Lady, drug/alcohol free, that has been more eager to learn this business than Marisa. Originally Posted by Ms Francisca

What is her being a great provider worth to you? Why do you care? Don't you have your own life, bills, to pay etc than worry about how she does? Hmmmmmmmmm

rrrabbit's Avatar
Nothing like pondering the meaning of life while trying to concentrate on them pancakes at 3:30am.

My crystal ball sees another drunken trip to IHOP in the near future.
Ms Francisca's Avatar
Nothing like pondering the meaning of life while trying to concentrate on them pancakes at 3:30am.

My crystal ball sees another drunken trip to IHOP in the near future. Originally Posted by rrrabbit
rrabbit... would much rather ... I HOP you
I have a Hobby Crush on you...

SIXX, If your question is what monetary gain is there for me in helping Marisa, the answer is none, zero ,zip, nada.
Serena Love, Marisa & I share the expenses of an incal equally. I give advice out of the kindness of my heart. BTW, I have helped over 100 ladies in the past 11yrs. I had an agency a few yrs ago... The ladies paid $50 out of a $300 rate. 18%, Please direct me to any Agency in the world/Booking Agent, etc... that merely takes an 18% cut.
I understand it would be difficult for most, especially you, to believe I actually care about providers as well as hobbyist & have always helped (when able), to ensure the best hobby experience for all.

I have also helped Marisa enroll in some basic computer classes....

I also Volunteer for United Way.... Travis County Literacy Center... Georgetown ISD....

Helping, being kind to those in need, regardless of the situation, is reward enough for me.