What is it guys loooove so much about football?!?!?

Seriously, I watch you guys yell at the TV like your actually there. Is it the competition? Is it the hits? I would like a your guys' real input here to help me understand what makes you guys go so crazy during football season

Thank you!
Britttany_love's Avatar
I dont think its just guys. I LOVE football and do the exact same things you mentioned Im already ready for the 3rd...
Reincarnated's Avatar
I love to play but only like watching the best teams play. I always asked myself the same question Amanda. Id rather be out dancing or playing the game or anything but sitting watching a game. The attraction I figured out has nothing to do with the game but has more to do with male bonding and being with friends...
Only sports I can sit through are the olympics. Haven't sat on a couch in front of a tube for 14 years and don't miss it. Life is too precious and short to waste it.
runswithscissors's Avatar
You have not seen crazy until you watch a rugby match!

Played all my life; and still play occasionally, but crazy screaming and yelling is basically the norm whether you play american football or rugby, or whatever...

I think if there are ladies present, then the screaming intensifies into a "look at me"

Some of my best dates come from "football widows"......
B/C since we were three, we've loved to throw things, run into each other, and push each other down.
guest031812's Avatar
Lets hope texas does real good this year. Always busy after texas wins
CentTex77's Avatar
I have literally been watching football longer than I can remember. I used to sit in my dad's lap as a toddler and watch the Cowboys with him. I guess I first equated watching football with quality time with dad and it remained a bond between us until his death. And when you bond with a team, you live and die with that team during the game. I can't explain it but I sure do love it.
I dont think its just guys. I LOVE football and do the exact same things you mentioned Im already ready for the 3rd... Originally Posted by Britttany_love
Me too Britt!!!! I am so excited, the anticipation is killing me. I've been watching football with my dad since I was 3. I LOVE Texas Football
I went to the rosebowl in 05 and it was, hands down, one of the best days of my life!

We will have to get together for the game, britt

Hook 'em!!! \m/
B/C since we were three, we've loved to throw things, run into each other, and push each other down. Originally Posted by chuckles

I still do that

I love me some football!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Seriously, I watch you guys yell at the TV like your actually there. Is it the competition? Is it the hits? I would like a your guys' real input here to help me understand what makes you guys go so crazy during football season

Thank you! Originally Posted by sexyspinneramanda
I guess it's just a way of relaxing. I was watching NY-Boston baseball last night (and will watch tonight, and tomorrow night) and you just get into the game. I would definitely agree with you that it's stupid but my wife does the same thing watching UT games. After the game, I go back to my mild-mannered ways, but during the game. . . I am a Syracuse U. grad and you should see me watching their games. I just go a little nuts.
I live and breath football ......the rivalry, the competition, the hanging out with the guys throwing back brews and talking smack! The cheerleaders too! Now with fantasy football I wantt to watch all the games and not just my favorite teams. I'm in four leagues

A similar question can be directed to the ladies. What is it with freaking shoes, purses and shopping in general? Why do you need 30 pairs shoes and 30 purses? I don't get it????
I would like a your guys' real input here to help me understand what makes you guys go so crazy during football season Originally Posted by sexyspinneramanda
Being a guy, I've often wondered the same thing, as I find sports in general to be rather pointless to sit and watch, which is really strange considering that my parents are both sports nuts.

I used to watch football and such when I was younger and lived at home, but the older I got, the less interested I became. Now the only sport I watch is MMA (UFC specifically), but usually only as 'background noise' while I do something else. But once the Silva vs St Pierre 'super fight' happens, I'll probably give that up too.
I can sum it up,, Men like sports like women like shopping..
any questions?
Bad knees, two concussions, two broken fingers (same time).

F1, drag racing, CART (oops, Indy Car), MotoGP. SCCA from the corners.