Since this review is no longer deleted anymore, i need to explain my side of the story on this "fake" review.
Me and ftime, the poster of the review, had a session not too long ago. yes we had one, but i was there for going on 4 hours. and i only got paid for a 2 hour session. yes i know i should have spoken up, but we didnt do much but talk and conversate.
blah blah blah
anyways, the only things that happened that night was bbbj, lfk, cim and conversation
i didnt want to have to do this but since the review was opened again for others to view, i have to defend myself.
all in all this has caused a lot of drama that i just dont need. i am too busy and have too much going on to deal with this. so im going to leave it at that. i dont know what all the review says but from seeing the acronyms i know a lot of it is not true. (made up)
thanks for understanding!!