Stayshaatx NCNS 3 Strikes and You're Out!

chairspud's Avatar
Hate this but had my 3rd NCNS with Stayshaatx after seeing her probably 20+ times since late 2012.
Have given her plenty of time to respond and explain and it's been crickets! This after having helped and supported her getting on the board, etc. She has always been late for sessions those of us who see her have just always planned on her being 30 min. late!
Well NO MORE FOR ME. I'm closing the book on her! 3 Strikes and You're Out! I can no longer recommend her!
black sunshine's Avatar
Sorry this happened spud
Still Looking's Avatar
glade55's Avatar
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Sucks when you can't get sucked!

That's why I'm here, Lol to pick up their slack lol
Everyone's got their limit. You're more patient than most.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Two and your out, for you.

Still Looking's Avatar
That's why I'm here, Lol to pick up their slack lol Originally Posted by shayla84
Little Monster's Avatar
You should stab her right in the pancreas!!!
Gamer's Avatar
  • Gamer
  • 07-20-2015, 10:46 AM
She ncns'd you twice and you still tried to go back? And you were still recommending her? Lol.
illuminati's Avatar
"There's an old saying in Tennessee -- I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee -- that says, fool me once, shame on --shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again."
~George W. Bush
EddyWestside's Avatar
Yeah...I had the same issue with her this past weekend.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Eventually someone gets threw, guess that's what she's banking on!