Streetwalker Etiquette

How much luck have you guys had recently?

Yesterday I looked around Polk and Kiest, on Dennis, and around the whole area near 635 and I didn't see much. Granted, I did go around 8.

Do you guys know of any good spots in North Dallas? Any particular daytime spots (175/MLK) seems to be the go to.

Also I am pretty new to this so any tips and guidance is appreciated.
I know confidence is key. But like do you just drive up behind them and ask if they need a ride. How does work on Dennis where there are always people behind you and you end up blocking traffic?

What about the ones who are at gas stations. Do you park and go buy something and then ask where they are headed or if they need a ride?

Anything SW related would be great. Thanks!
Not sure if you meant north Dallas since all your references were south but...

Going old school here, but you can try the Harry Hines/Walnut Hill area. I hadn't been down there in forever but have been the past 2 weekends and it was very active. 8pm is probably a tad early for this area as well.

As far as handling the approach, I think the whole going into the store and buying a particular product really applies to truck stops. I guess other posters more familiar can speak to that. In my experience, it's fairly self-explanatory. Roll down your window and if she is working, she will likely approach the car and ask if you want a date. You say yes, she hops in. In all of the times I've picked up a streetwalker, they have directed me to a spot and on the way discussed what I wanted/cost/negotiation/etc.

I'm not familiar with the Dennis scene at all, but normally when traffic is an issue, you can just pull into the nearest driveway, parking lot, or side street. They've done it a few times, the'll get it. If not, just honk or yell at them.
As for Dennis, there's a lot of parking lots that you can pull into talk; you don't have to stay on the street itself. The past few times I've been there, LEO was around; I usually come up from Royale to scope things out, cops are usually just around the intersection.
This is exactly the kind of info I was looking for. Thanks

I wasn't sure if yelling out at them was ok.

Some of them don't look as obvious as others. Do you guys just go for it anyways or do you play it safe. What characteristics make up a normal SW?
What characteristics make up a normal SW? Originally Posted by taylorzon
Not always the case, but bad teeth, poor hygiene, malnourished, and normally their face has lots of wear and tear.

We're not in the 80's anymore. Hookers (and pimps) know how to post online ads to get business. If you find an attractive SW, you've caught them really fresh, or it's TGTBT.
Street Hookers
I am scared to death of street hookers. A friend of mine pulled into a motel parking lot on Forest Lane and was approached by a pretty girl who asked him "Do you want a suck or a fuck?" He was then arrested and put into a motor home parked nearby with some other men, later to be taken to Lew Sterrett, kept overnight and bonded out in the morning. It was a very bad situation for him. He tried to get out of it by stating to the Judge he answered "Yuck", but that didn't fly. He asked the girl when she told him he was under arrest if she was wired and she stated that she wasn't and didn't need to be. He hired a top attorney to,try to get him out of it, but got a fine and 6 months probation, but did get the Judge to agree to clear his record after the probation was completed. So, you guys can have all of them street hookers!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-20-2016, 11:55 PM
Street Hookers
I am scared to death of street hookers. A friend of mine pulled into a motel parking lot on Forest Lane and was approached by a pretty girl who asked him "Do you want a suck or a fuck?" He was then arrested and put into a motor home parked nearby with some other men, later to be taken to Lew Sterrett, kept overnight and bonded out in the morning. It was a very bad situation for him. He tried to get out of it by stating to the Judge he answered "Yuck", but that didn't fly. He asked the girl when she told him he was under arrest if she was wired and she stated that she wasn't and didn't need to be. He hired a top attorney to,try to get him out of it, but got a fine and 6 months probation, but did get the Judge to agree to clear his record after the probation was completed. So, you guys can have all of them street hookers! Originally Posted by CarMan1964
Your friend sounds like a dumb ass, He just happened to be driving through motel parking lots? I'm sure he did the trick u-turn after seeing a cocksucker nearby. I think it went more like this

Hooker; Hey you got 50 to fuck this fine ass pussy
Friend; yeah
Hooker; you under arrest
Friend; I said yuck and was just kidding
Hooker; tell it to the judge stupid
I recommend you read a lot of the SW reviews and get a feel for the scene... I never mention any activities until I have them in the truck going in my choice of directions and I'm squeezing her tits.

If a girl approaches the driver side window drive off... that's a good potential for leo. the real SWs don't even talk through the window except to say hi and give you 10 seconds to decide to unlock the door or not and that's on the passenger side. there is a difference in being confident/bold and having a steel sack and just being stupid. if your asking every chick walking down the street if she wants to play your in trouble. they want business as much as you want to nut. give them the stare down, maybe a quick hi on the drive past and then find a 'safe' area to pull over and they will find their way to you.

I have some north dallas intel that will be in my next review. midpark/75 region has some action but you have to be smart about it because leo is hot too. sometimes its worth it to drive an area and just observe the scene and keek little head under control until you get a good comfort with the traffic flow etc.
i agree with randomtxguy:
1. If she comes to the driver side, pull off. If you stop, 99% of the time they just come right over to the passenger side. If you unlock the door, they hop in. No discussion of activities or funds until you're headed in a direction of your choosing

2. Once in the car, keep the conversation casual, comment on how "sexy" she is but hold off on talking about specifics until you have reached your location of choice. Feel free to grab a breast, rub her thigh and work your way toward her crotch as you drive.

3. I always keep the fee I WANT TO PAY in the cup holder. I usually jus open it up and she takes it out. No physical exchange or discussion. I know that doesn't mean anything if she got video.. but it makes me feel good lol

4. The SW game is not a hit or miss. You need to prepare. Get to know your track! After a few visits you'll be able to tell who's working and who looks like they don't fit the scene. There is nothing wrong with just doing a drive by to observe. Look for women who are constantly eye fucking drivers as they roll by. Stay away from those that are waving their arms, standing in the middle of the street, causing major attention and distractions. They may be legit but who know's wtf will happen once they get in the car.

I have some north dallas intel that will be in my next review. midpark/75 region has some action but you have to be smart about it because leo is hot too. sometimes its worth it to drive an area and just observe the scene and keek little head under control until you get a good comfort with the traffic flow etc. Originally Posted by randomtxguy
That area is quite possibly one of the most dangerous places in my experience. I used to visit providers at that motel 6 a while ago but in the last 6 months leo has really stepped up their presence.

I was sitting in my car for around 5 mins in the parking lot and an officer came out of no where, stood 15 feet from my car, and started radioing something. I just pretend to finish using my phone and left asap.

Even just driving down Midway once and I had leo begin to follow me. This was probably around 6 months ago.

Has it calmed down at all?
Has it calmed down at all? Originally Posted by taylorzon
not much... I usually watch for traffic to and from the walmart or right around their. its the 'safest' location in the area because leo is hot in the hotels... my last one was in the far end of walmart near the gas station... I enjoy the challenge...
mrredcat43's Avatar
Do you carry plenty of bail money?
busternutzs's Avatar
Once you have one of these Streetwalkers in your vehicle and she is less than desirable. She doesn't look as good up close as she did from the street, she is acting weird or she has a noticeable fever blister on her lip.

How do you dismiss her without any drama?

Do you politely tell her you changed your mind and give her a few bucks for her time or what?
Do you politely tell her you changed your mind and give her a few bucks for her time or what? Originally Posted by busternutzs
Yea few bucks or a drink
WTOilMan's Avatar
I stumbled upon something once that had me trying it at every chance. I was driving around Montfort and Alpha and saw an attractive chick sitting on the curb at a bus stop. I stopped with ploy of asking for directions. I stopped and asked her where so-n-so road was. She said she didn't know and then said, "Hey let me ask you something. Do you like blowjobs?" I said hop in and get your clothes off. She squealed, ran around my truck and hopped in. Drove down the block (the whole time she was stripping everything off.) and did the deed and I took her back to the bus stop. It's never worked again but I thought it was a clever idea. Total cost, 20 bucks. You damn sure better be careful though. Listen to these guys and their experiences and warnings.