Dead Man Walking

berryberry's Avatar
71% of Americans don't want Joe Biden to run for 2024 reelection

And the other 29 percent are lying to either the pollsters or themselves!!!

More than seven in 10 Americans say they do not want President Biden to seek a second term, according to a new poll.

The Harvard CAPS–Harris survey found 71% of Americans did not want to see Biden run in 2024, while just 29% said he should, The Hill reported Friday.

berryberry's Avatar
And the news gets even better

berryberry's Avatar
If Senile Biden lost Bezos (and he did), we no longer need to take a Senile Biden bid for reelection seriously. It’s over.

berryberry's Avatar
This may be the first time in the history of the Republic that we have a lame duck president in the White House before the first half of his first term. And in the middle of a self-induced national recession.

His own party is done with him already.
I'm still waiting for it to become a world like the original Mad Max movies. Got my crossbow & leather jockstrap ready to go raiding & pillaging!!
berryberry's Avatar
An unnamed Democrat lawmaker criticized the Biden administration as 'rudderless, aimless and hopeless' in yet another damning report of turmoil between the US President and his party on Tuesday.

More than 20 Democrats working across Congress and the White House shared private concerns with CNN regarding President Joe Biden's ability to respond to back-to-back crises that have plagued the country for much of his term - and whether he's an effective leader of those behind him working to fix it.

Even the president's allies seem to be frustrated with a 'lack of action' as his measures to curb high gas prices and address the baby formula shortage fail to solve either problem.

One such example is Biden's recent demand for Congress to give Americans a three-month relief from the federal gas tax in a bid to ease their pain with sky-high prices at the pump.

'It had the appearance of throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks,' an official said.

The report also suggests Biden is taking out that frustration on his aides.

The president is described as having a 'tendency to berate advisers' when a situation does not pan out as expected.

That practice having 'trickled down the ranks in the West Wing' is suggested as a contributing factor in the slew of recent resignations.

It also appears to conflict with Biden's day-one promise to fire workplace bullies 'on the spot.'
Blimey! ... Berating his officials and throwing
food against the wall. ...

... I surely knew at some point that Joe would follow
Trump's lead... It's about time!

Now - maybe he'll start following Trump's policies and
put a stop to the Sky-High prices.

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
A new poll shows that a majority of Americans feel that federal government actions over the past six months have hurt their families and that Senile Biden’s policies have not benefited the middle class at all.

The Monmouth University poll, released on July 5, reveals that the number of Americans who are struggling financially has jumped by double digits in the past year as soaring inflation has outpaced wage gains and sparked a cost-of-living crisis.

“Economic concerns tend to rise to the top of the list of family concerns, as you might expect, but the singular impact of inflation is really hitting home right now,” Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute, said in a statement.

“Most Americans are blaming Washington for their current pain,” he added.
berryberry's Avatar
They are all throwing Senile Biden under the bus now

“NY Times again suggests Joe Biden, 79, is too old to run for re-election and says he now 'shuffles' with White House staffers fearing he'll trip on a wire”

The New York Times and Washington Post suddenly discover that Biden is old and frail on the exact same day.

What a coincidence.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Why would there be random wires on the White House floor?
berryberry's Avatar
Just 1% of 18-to-29-yr-olds strongly approve of BIDEN’s job performance.

94% of Dems under 30 said they wanted another candidate to run in 2024.

And, more immediately, only 32% of young people said they are “almost certain” to vote in 2022, per NYT/Siena
berryberry's Avatar
Oh my - the senility shows right through in this video

A must watch
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There's only one man who can ensure Biden is re-elected.
Depurefymii's Avatar
No more Boomers in charge please. They are just trying to incite a world war so they can pretend to be adults and take whats left of the wealth to the grave.
Oh my - the senility shows right through in this video

A must watch Originally Posted by berryberry

Watching him on stage like that reminds me of my grandfather & grandmother when they got alzheimer's & would do that in the grocery store or at the mall. I wonder if Biden even has a drivers license? If so, would you trust him to drive you somewhere?