*QUIZ* Your Choice Would Be...

tia travels's Avatar
Rules for this poll:
1). You can't say none..if you're going to vote, it would be between these choices.
2). You can't write in a choice. I'm sure there might be others you might want to see more, but if you had to choose between THESE 16 folks, pick one.
3). If you care to explain your choice, feel free.

dallashog's Avatar
I pick Hendrix but wow, way tough choices.
Hands down-- Amy
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Seen Freddy, Bob, Michael, Jim, Ray, Johnny and John (Willie too, several times) so after Beethoven (actually, I'd rather have seen Mozart) I guess it would have to be Jimi and Janis.

Zappa and Lowell George both rank right up there IMHO too.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-07-2014, 09:34 AM
Tough choice. For me I would like to see a number of them, but it came down to who is "more unique" in the sense there are not close substitutes I could see. I am also not a huge Elvis fan. so the last two left standing were Bob M and Beethoven. I did get to see Marley once, so I picked Beethoven.

If it was the Beatles en mass, that would have been a lot harder choice to make. When Lennon became a solo I found him good but not great.
I'd like to see Beethoven and tell him how much I love "Ode to Joy".
tia travels's Avatar
Well Freddie Mercury would have been my first choice, but I can always see Freddie on video. I can't see Beethoven on video...so I chose him also.
TRIN's Avatar
  • TRIN
  • 04-07-2014, 07:37 PM
Jimi , no question about it! Can anyone even imagine what kind of sound he'd be putting out these days? He was an alien genius from Outer Space... Dearly missed!
Grey_Wolf's Avatar
I'd have to go with Michael Jackson just because he hasn't been dead as long so there's no real problem with that smell...
Mister Tudball's Avatar
Who the hell is Cliff Burton?!?
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 04-10-2014, 03:38 PM
Who the hell is Cliff Burton?!? Originally Posted by Mister Tudball

Really, after reading your first two sig lines, I thought, how ironic.
tia travels's Avatar
Hey...I didn't know who that was in that picture. I didn't make the questionnaire. It was put together with Cliff in it. I had to research other places this was posted for someone's answer and someone said it was Cliff Burton. I GOOGLED him and see that he died early, so apparently whomever put this together thought he was a fabulous performer. According to wikipedia, "Burton was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with Metallica on April 4, 2009."
bigphd's Avatar
Freddie Mercury, would be unique as hell (seen a few of the others mentioned)
setman's Avatar
Roll over Beethoven!
