My son's new tattoo

midwestman's Avatar
Tattoo of the year

My son told me, Dad, I would like to have a tattoo.
I told him No, nobody has one in our family ... and you are not having one.
He asked me, Why not ? All my friends have a tattoo !

I told him, It would be a stain on your body !
He pleaded with me, Dad, please, please, just a Cartoon Character on the belly ?

And after many hours of discussion I gave in and decided to let him.
After all, he was a young man with his own freedom of choice ....

and I thought ...
a Cartoon Character ....

is probably not so bad !

Prowordsmith's Avatar
That was like a handjob without the Happy Ending!
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 10-28-2010, 03:24 PM
I was giving him the benefit of the doubt, thought maybe he was having trouble downloading a pic or something and would come back and fix it.
tjonesd's Avatar
It wasn't worth the google search, but here:
macksback's Avatar