You Are Welcome Austin

Ta Daaaaaaaa
Ken doll's not the only one who can manipulate fools.

Although I am prettier... not much of a challenge.
I never liked that guy. He is rude, and frankly I think he hates women and a part time pimp
Cannot control his temper, couple that with massive lack of intelligence... and well
So what finally did it?
Not at liberty to discuss it... just enjoy the peace and quiet for 3 months.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
On when 'r if'n ol' Mata Lyon cums back wif a bandle? Oughta be purdy easy ta spot if'n he duz. It ain't laik his spellin' 'r his grammar's gonna improve o'ernight.
What a jip.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Not at liberty to discuss it... just enjoy the peace and quiet for 3 months. Originally Posted by rockerrick
If'n Ah hafta guess, it's prolly laik tha oldt sayin' goes: "Give 'em enuff rope an' they'll hang themselves."
I can only imagine the anger in him right now. His blood must be boiling.
Samcro84's Avatar
Kinda like Hillary's anger at Bill for getting that BJ.

KendalClarkson ain't you gonna defend your buddy?
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
She's prolly busy as hell tryin' ta do sum'pin 'bout them stretch marks so 'er ol' buddy Mata won't kick'er ta tha curb.
Whispers's Avatar
So..... Now that the Rock Star has left the building..... Who is