What is the Democrat's position on the securing our borders?

Can someone tell me what their solution to border security is? All I hear and see is ---Attack Trump.

Second question - what do the the dems want to do with the folks coming up in the caravan? I have heard no solutions from that party at all concerning the caravan.
Can someone tell me what their solution to border security is? All I hear and see is ---Attack Trump. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

the Dem's solution.. THEY DON'T have one. They like the border being wide the hell open.

All so they can get more illegal aliens onto welfare and dependent on THEM staying in power, to keep those benefits coming in.
the Dem's solution.. THEY DON'T have one. They like the border being wide the hell open.

All so they can get more illegal aliens onto welfare and dependent on THEM staying in power, to keep those benefits coming in. Originally Posted by garhkal
They also like the future votes.
The Democrats don't have a plan, except the one that has been in affect for the past decades.

But the truth is many "Swampers" and anti-Trumpers don't won't the boat rocked either. They like feeding their chronies a cheap and easily controlled labor source.
What is the gop's position? They have had nearly two years of total control to fix it (like they did health care). Now they are running AGAIN on immigration and health care reform. Don't even get me started on property taxes in Texas. The GOP has been in control forever and now they run on...never mind lol. Some people actually believe them (and the Russian hackers) and that's funny as Fk.
Just like the liberals, i honestly feel they don't WANT to fix things.. Because some of their 'business' donors, get good profits from exploting the cheep labor.
LexusLover's Avatar
Can someone tell me what their solution to border security is? All I hear and see is ---Attack Trump. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
As a general rule the Liberal "solution" to all things illegal is to simply LEGALIZE IT. Unfortunately for the businesses involving hetrosexual entertainment involving fun things like sex the Liberals' agenda have been hijacked by the "me-too" and "women's lib" movements and the hetrosexual sex business is stained with the accusation that men are abusing and degrading women by the activities (after all ... they can't imagine why a female would want a man's penis "violating" any of their orifices .... can you?) ... and that women should be "saved" from the oppression of being paid for something they enjoy! I've known women who actually take off their own thong or text wanting to know when I'll be by to see them!
TS you've been around long enough to know the answer to that question - it's The Wall. Now back on topic -

Tell me - what is the solution the dems have for immigration control?

What is the gop's position? They have had nearly two years of total control to fix it (like they did health care). Now they are running AGAIN on immigration and health care reform. Don't even get me started on property taxes in Texas. The GOP has been in control forever and now they run on...never mind lol. Some people actually believe them (and the Russian hackers) and that's funny as Fk. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
the Dem's solution.. THEY DON'T have one. They like the border being wide the hell open.

All so they can get more illegal aliens onto welfare and dependent on THEM staying in power, to keep those benefits coming in. Originally Posted by garhkal
The Dems believe in "open borders". Beto believes in open borders also although he doesn't use that phrase outside of his constituency. That means abolishment of ICE. That means nonUS citizen can come and go into this country as they please.

What is the gop's position? They have had nearly two years of total control to fix it (like they did health care). Now they are running AGAIN on immigration and health care reform. Don't even get me started on property taxes in Texas. The GOP has been in control forever and now they run on...never mind lol. Some people actually believe them (and the Russian hackers) and that's funny as Fk. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
The GOP, specifically Trump, could barely get a temporary travel ban to 7 Muslim countries without being called a racist and it being thwarted by some activist courts. So, I'd address your post more but I reject your "total control" premise.
rexdutchman's Avatar
THEY DON'T HAVE ONE , NONE I TELL YOU NONE NO CLUE , that's wants really funny about the never dumpers stand , they don't like his idea s buuuuutttt .
LexusLover's Avatar
THEY DON'T HAVE ONE , NONE I TELL YOU NONE NO CLUE , that's wants really funny about the never dumpers stand , they don't like his idea s buuuuutttt . Originally Posted by rexdutchman
.. they are on record for liking it with another POTUS in office.
Is it really open borders? OMG, that's terrible. Jeeze, don't the dems read history?
The Wall would solve a lot of problems. Not all, of course.,it's a long Border. But in the end, what can be built certainly would stop a lot.

Which is exactly why so many Swampers and Washington Establishment are so against it.

There are two things that would go a great distance in stopping illegal immigration. First, make the penalty for hiring illegals severe. Go after the the people on top. If a large Construction Company, ( just an example), is found with illegals on a work site, go straight to the Board of Directors and hall their asses out in handcuffs. That would get people's attention.

Also, do away with any benefits to anyone in the Country illegally. No education, no Medicaid, nothing but a free plane ticket home.

Untill the Country gets serious, nothing will change.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

When has the border been wide open? Who advocates for that outside of your deluded fantasies?

Under ANY US President?

Twitler and his ministers of bullshit have totally brainwashed the masses.

Not the first time in history.

Not the worst time in history,

Let’s hope it doesn’t get there.

Rave on...
rexdutchman's Avatar
As normal no clue, point was liberal have no ideas on how to fix the immigration system so it works other they opening the borders of everyone.