
VitaMan's Avatar
There was never a state called Palestine.

It is the name of a region given to it by the Romans, to remove the previous Jewish name for the area. There was never a significant Arab presence in the region. In the 1870s not more than a few thousand Arabs.

After the Ottoman empire was defeated WW1, it was decided to create a Jewish state within the region. The Arabs agreed.

77% of the region that was called Palestine was give to the Arabs for creation of Arab states. The dividing line was pretty much the Jordan river. The map clearly indicates how the region was divided in 1922.

Any creation of a new Palestinian state within Jewish land would be the creation of yet another Arab state. The land for Arab states had already been agreed upon in 1922.

The Arabs never accepted a Jewish state in practice. Arab radicals began terrorism and disturbances as early as the 1930s.

The only point to even argue seems to be that the League of Nations had no right to decide what to do with the region called Palestine. Yet it was the western powers than won WW1. Previous war victors had always decided what to do with the spoils of war. It was only the intervention of US President Woodrow Wilson that kept this area from being taken over by the victors this time, as he believe the era of colonialism and the practice of to the victor belongs the spoils was over.

ICU 812's Avatar
The History Of Palestine

1)Before the modern state of Israel there was the British mandate, Not a Palestinian state .
2) Before the British mandate there was the ottoman empire, Not a Palestinian state .
3) Before the ottoman empire there was the Islamic mamluk sultanate of Egypt, Not a Palestinian state .
4)Before the Islamic mamluk sultanate of Egypt there was the ayyubid dynasty, Not a Palestinian state .Godfrey of bouillon conquered it in 1099.
5) Before the ayyubid dynasty there was the christian kingdom of Jerusalem, Not a Palestinian state .
6) Before the christian kingdom of Jerusalem there was the Fatimid caliphate, Not a Palestinian state .
7) Before the Fatimid caliphate there was the byzantine empire, Not a Palestinian state .
Before the byzantine empire there was the Roman empire, Not a Palestinian state .
9) Before the Roman empire there was the hasmonean dynasty, Not a Palestinian state .
10)Before the hasmonean dynasty there was the Seleucid empire,Not a Palestinian state .
11) Before the Seleucid empire there was the empire of Alexander the 3rd of Macedon, Not a Palestinian state .
12) Before the empire of Alexander the 3rd of Macedon there was the Persian empire, Not a Palestinian state .
13) Before the Persian empire there was the Babylonian empire, Not a Palestinian state .
14) Before the Babylonian empire there was the kingdoms of Israel and Judea, Not a Palestinian state .
15) Before the kingdoms of Israel and Judea there was the kingdom of Israel, Not a Palestinian state .
16) Before the kingdom of Israel there was the theocracy of the 12 tribes of Israel, Not a Palestinian state .
17) Before the theocracy of the 12 tribes of Israel there was the area kn own generally as Canaan, Not a Palestinian state .
In fact

in this corner of the earth there was everything but a Palestinian state
There was never a state called Palestine.

It is the name of a region given to it by the Romans, to remove the previous Jewish name for the area. There was never a significant Arab presence in the region. In the 1870s not more than a few thousand Arabs.

After the Ottoman empire was defeated WW1, it was decided to create a Jewish state within the region. The Arabs agreed.

77% of the region that was called Palestine was give to the Arabs for creation of Arab states. The dividing line was pretty much the Jordan river. The map clearly indicates how the region was divided in 1922.

Any creation of a new Palestinian state within Jewish land would be the creation of yet another Arab state. The land for Arab states had already been agreed upon in 1922.

The Arabs never accepted a Jewish state in practice. Arab radicals began terrorism and disturbances as early as the 1930s.

The only point to even argue seems to be that the League of Nations had no right to decide what to do with the region called Palestine. Yet it was the western powers than won WW1. Previous war victors had always decided what to do with the spoils of war. It was only the intervention of US President Woodrow Wilson that kept this area from being taken over by the victors this time, as he believe the era of colonialism and the practice of to the victor belongs the spoils was over.

Originally Posted by VitaMan
Are you implying that the region known as Palestine was a "Jewish State"?
Clay Media's Avatar
You pick one side, you're anti Semitic. You pick the other side, you're Islamophobic and support an apartheid state.
VitaMan's Avatar
Are you implying that the region known as Palestine was a "Jewish State"? Originally Posted by Levianon17
No. Where do you get that idea, or what are you implying ?

There is a long history of Jews in that region.
ICU 812's Avatar
Israel is not an "apartheid state".

It is a pluralistic Democracy. I think it can be considered to be the only one east of Greece. Much as in the USA and India, Israeli citizens include Moslems, Christians and peoples of other religions and ethnicities.
ICU 812's Avatar
Are you implying that the region known as Palestine was a "Jewish State"? Originally Posted by Levianon17
At the time that the Romans labeled it "Palestine", it in fact was a Jewish state.
playerplano's Avatar
I always like the term “ apartheid “ state being applied to the Israeli / Palestinian situation. The Jews and Arabs lived in the region and coexisted for thousands of years . The current issues are not more than decades old . Israel has over 2 MILLION Arab/ Palestinians living and working in Israel. They are very successful and even have a high level Palestinian judge . I say Arab/ Palestinian because until the 1960’s there were no Palestinians. People also like to throw around “genocide” but there are more Palestinians by millions today compared to the 1960’s. How can you have a genocide when the population is increasing ? I guess a very poor genocide ? The problem is cultural and I don’t know the answer. Palestinians and Arabs in general want Israel wiped off the map. I don’t know how you can have peace with people who only want to kill you.
Clay Media's Avatar
Let's ship all these people who support Israel and Palestine to the Middle east
No. Where do you get that idea, or what are you implying ?

There is a long history of Jews in that region. Originally Posted by VitaMan
There was a long history of Arabs there as well. In fact neither Jews nor Arabs have a cast iron claim to the region of Palestine. Through out history the region has been occupied by many different people not all Jews, not all Arabs. The clip below is a quick overview of Palestine. Although it's not a perfect assessment it's good enough.
Clay Media's Avatar
Why can't they just have an open border free for all situation like we do in the USA?
Why can't they just have an open border free for all situation like we do in the USA? Originally Posted by Clay Media
Jews want everyone else to have open borders but not Israel. If they did they would be undermining their delusion of being "God's chosen people".
VitaMan's Avatar
At the time that the Romans labeled it "Palestine", it in fact was a Jewish state. Originally Posted by ICU 812

Likely you are mistaken here. Not a state as it is defined today.
VitaMan's Avatar
There was a long history of Arabs there as well. In fact neither Jews nor Arabs have a cast iron claim to the region of Palestine. Through out history the region has been occupied by many different people not all Jews, not all Arabs. The clip below is a quick overview of Palestine. Although it's not a perfect assessment it's good enough. Originally Posted by Levianon17

77% of the region known as Palestine was provisioned for the creation of Arab states. The Arab leaders agreed to this.

However after Israel formally declared statehood, 5 Arab states attacked it the next day.
VitaMan's Avatar