They're GONE!

... How 'bout THIS, mates -

The "J6" witness depositions - they're GONE!

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA) was talking about it yesterday
that the "J6" investigating body now looks more like
a "cover-up" body... The House Oversight sub-committee
led-by Mr. Loudermilk has mentioned that all of the
videotapes of witness interviews and depositions are GONE.

... And I gotta wonder WHY. ... If the 6th Jan. cover-up
committee destroyed the primary source records there
to hide evidence - then why should the committee
be trusted?? ... Their evidence is missing.

... I surely remember when Trump was on wanna those
news programmes - "Meet the Press" or whatever,
and He had a barney with Kristen Welker about this
and why the "J6" committee wouldn't even interview
Nancy Pelosi about Trump offouring Pelosi 10,000
soldiers for the Capitol and Pelosi turned him down.

Trump also brought up that the "J6" committee
destroyed evidence records and what-not and Welker
said nothing was destroyed.

... And HERE we are today! ... Once again - Trump is correct.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where did you read that, Salty?
VitaMan's Avatar
Fact Check: Did Pelosi Reject Trump’s Request for National Guard Troops on January 6?

In Trump’s words: “I requested … I definitely gave the number of 10,000 National Guardsmen, and [said] I think you should have 10,000 of the National Guard ready. They took that number. From what I understand, they gave it to the people at the Capitol, which is controlled by Pelosi. And I heard they rejected it because they didn’t think it would look good. So, you know, that was a big mistake.”

Josh Huder, a senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Government Affairs Institute,advises that “the speaker does not have control of any branch of the armed services.”

“The National Guard can only be activated by the president or a governor,” Huder added. “In the case of D.C., it can only be mobilized by the president of the United States.”

Trump gave no order to deploy the National Guard that day, and made no effort to work with the Department of Justice to coordinate and deploy law enforcement assets.
VitaMan's Avatar
Fact check: No evidence January 6 committee destroyed records, contrary to online claims

The Republican congressman overseeing the investigation into the committee’s work has not said any records were destroyed, and there have been no reputable reports of such destruction. What Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia did say is that some video recordings are missing, and he does not know what happened to them.

The issue centers on the whereabouts of interviews and depositions from the committee’s investigation into the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Loudermilk wrote that some recordings were not archived or transferred to the Committee on House Administration. Written transcripts of them were provided, however.
VitaMan's Avatar
.. And HERE we are today! ... Once again - Trump is correct.

#### Salty

Salty owes an apology to the entire viewership of this website for constantly posting false or unproven information.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
.. And HERE we are today! ... Once again - Trump is correct.

#### Salty

Salty owes an apology to the entire viewership of this website for constantly posting false or unproven information. Originally Posted by VitaMan
At least he's consistent.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
One has to wonder what type of enterprise is at work here.

No one person could be so wrong on everything every time.

Call that a conspiracy theory if you like, but it makes sense. The endless unfounded claimed made by the poster know.n as Salty may in fact be the work of a whole think tank…


Das vadanya, comrade.
... How 'bout THIS, mates -

The "J6" witness depositions - they're GONE!

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA) was talking about it yesterday
that the "J6" investigating body now looks more like
a "cover-up" body... The House Oversight sub-committee
led-by Mr. Loudermilk has mentioned that all of the
videotapes of witness interviews and depositions are GONE.

... And I gotta wonder WHY. ... If the 6th Jan. cover-up
committee destroyed the primary source records there
to hide evidence - then why should the committee
be trusted?? ... Their evidence is missing.

... I surely remember when Trump was on wanna those
news programmes - "Meet the Press" or whatever,
and He had a barney with Kristen Welker about this
and why the "J6" committee wouldn't even interview
Nancy Pelosi about Trump offouring Pelosi 10,000
soldiers for the Capitol and Pelosi turned him down.

Trump also brought up that the "J6" committee
destroyed evidence records and what-not and Welker
said nothing was destroyed.

... And HERE we are today! ... Once again - Trump is correct.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Fact Check: Did Pelosi Reject Trump’s Request for National Guard Troops on January 6?

In Trump’s words: “I requested … I definitely gave the number of 10,000 National Guardsmen, and [said] I think you should have 10,000 of the National Guard ready. They took that number. From what I understand, they gave it to the people at the Capitol, which is controlled by Pelosi. And I heard they rejected it because they didn’t think it would look good. So, you know, that was a big mistake.”

Josh Huder, a senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Government Affairs Institute,advises that “the speaker does not have control of any branch of the armed services.”

“The National Guard can only be activated by the president or a governor,” Huder added. “In the case of D.C., it can only be mobilized by the president of the United States.”

Trump gave no order to deploy the National Guard that day, and made no effort to work with the Department of Justice to coordinate and deploy law enforcement assets. Originally Posted by VitaMan

... This your "Fact Check"?? ...

By a George Washington universty fellow? ... How nice.

Too right that onley the President and/or a Governour
can mobilise (order) the Nat'nl Guard - which is why
President Trump offoured the troops to Nancy Pelosi
days BEFORE 6 January... To then have them there to
help with crowd and traffic control come that day.

And Nancy Pelosi turned it down.

... I aslo see yer fellow there mention that Trump
gave no order to deploy THAT DAY (6 Jan)
- correct - because He already offoured the troops
in-advance, as I mentioned - and both Pelosi
and the DC Mayour didn't want them.

... So that's that.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Completely wrong Salty.

It is not possible for a speaker to
"turn them down". The speaker has no control over any armed services. The speaker could not turn them down even if the speaker wanted to.

Can you understand that now ?

Only the President can authorize use of the National Guard in DC. Trump did not do that.

So that is actually that.

If your thought process is followed, the President could authorize use of the National Guard....the speaker could say they don't want them...then who would be in charge of the armed would be the speaker, not the President.

You are looking a little ridiculous here Salty.
Fact check: No evidence January 6 committee destroyed records, contrary to online claims

The Republican congressman overseeing the investigation into the committee’s work has not said any records were destroyed, and there have been no reputable reports of such destruction. What Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia did say is that some video recordings are missing, and he does not know what happened to them.

The issue centers on the whereabouts of interviews and depositions from the committee’s investigation into the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Loudermilk wrote that some recordings were not archived or transferred to the Committee on House Administration. Written transcripts of them were provided, however. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Mr. Loudermilk didn't say the video-recordings
were destroyed - he said that they are MISSING.

... I am wondering IF they were destroyed.

... And in addition to some transcripts being provided,
just not yet some of the ones asked-for - there WAS
one such item - that surely caught the attention of
BOTH Mr. Loudermilk AND Alan Dershowitz.

The errata sheet of Cassidy Hutchenson.

... No doubt you fellows remember her - the Trump aide
that told the world that President Trump DEMANDED
that the secret service drive him to the Capitol
after his 6th January speech. And when the secret service
refused - Trump grabbed the steering wheel with one hand
and the neck of one of the agents with the other!

And the interesting thing about Cassidy's 15 page-long
errata sheet is that it's been updated. And has significant
CHANGES made to her earlier accounte of key events in
the Capitol riot drama. ... Her digital signature there
is dated 12 September 2022.

... Might these changes be because the Republicans
were surely expected to WIN the House - and therefore
might do a "J6" investigation of their-own?

... Now Loudermilk and Alan Dershowitz understand that
these testimony changes are NOT merely corrections
- but actual Material changes to her original storys.

Which makes it entirely NEW testimony - that should be
subject to cross-examination.

... And it just may be - IF the House Oversight decides
to launch a good investigation of the "J6 committee"
and their findings.

Perhaps the recordings that are GONE will be found by then.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
The fact that Trump is still screaming to this day about Massive election fraud....after more than 60 frivolous lawsuits which were thrown not helping you, Salty.

Your 2 original findings have been fact checked. They both are incorrect.
Completely wrong Salty.

It is not possible for a speaker to
"turn them down". The speaker has no control over any armed services. The speaker could not turn them down even if the speaker wanted to.

Can you understand that now ?

Only the President can authorize use of the National Guard in DC. Trump did not do that.

So that is actually that.

If your thought process is followed, the President could authorize use of the National Guard....the speaker could say they don't want them...then who would be in charge of the armed would be the speaker, not the President.

You are looking a little ridiculous here Salty. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Bullshit there, mate... You'll find this out
once Nancy Pelosi is questioned.
The "J6" had NO QUESTIONS for her on this.

... So are YOU claiming that Trump is LYING about this issue??

... Answer and we'll start a new thread if need be.
I don't wanna to change the point of this one.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
You would need to prove Trump is not lying. That's your style of discussion.

Do you think Mr. Trump, with his bully personality, was ready to send National Guard troops. But he thought "Oh, I better not do that. Nancy said not to."

Mr Trump has no other input to his decision making besides Nancy ?

The fact is Mr. Trump did not authorize National Guard troops. The next question is, should he have done that ? He is the only one that could have. Was this another error in judgement by Trump ?
Point this guy and leave the thread open. He is trying to hide his shame.
... Bullshit there, mate... You'll find this out
once Nancy Pelosi is questioned.
The "J6" had NO QUESTIONS for her on this.

... So are YOU claiming that Trump is LYING about this issue??

... Answer and we'll start a new thread if need be.
I don't wanna to change the point of this one.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again