What are y'alls thoughts

so I was wondering how many of us gals of eccie have a significant other (not a manager/pimp/lifecoach/ect) and how do the guys of eccie feel about it.

I ask because it seems to be a misunderstood and hated thought. Like providers are subhuman and incapable or unworthy of having a normal life outside of the hobby. Thoughts from both providers and clients would be greatly appreciated. <3 <3 <3
You deserve to have a life
makav's Avatar
  • makav
  • 05-14-2016, 09:03 PM
Guess it's fine if your significant other is cool with it
Ranchhand's Avatar
If I would venture a guess, I would guess that the majority of the guys on this site have a significant other also.
BlackJesusX's Avatar
I say who cares. As long as our time is spent well, I'm not thinking about either mine or your SO.
HOW DARE YOU!! #jokes
CaptainMastPole's Avatar
I view the ladies I see as they are, people. People have relationships. I know not all the ladies S.O.'s know about the hobby, just like the guy's. As long as I am not brought into any unnecessary drama, to each their own.
Girl let me tell you.... haha double standards can you say for most of the men but not alll... but boy if you want pm me I'll say more lol muwahh
My opinion is if you and your SO are cool with you as a provider then who are we to have an issue with it. We all have reasons for discreetness. Be it job or family. As long as it does not bring drama or any form of negativity to the provider or the hobbyist, everything should be cool.
I personally would not have a problem with it, if I was the SO. You have a real world life in addition to the hobby life. If you choose to keep this life from him, that is your business, not anyone else's. But if he goes in knowing about your hobby life, he can't say anything down the road.
See we do have some wonderful men..... & some that are not commenting that feels otherwise lol... I agree with the men... ANYONE ELSE WANNA SPEAK UP LOL
The way I see it is people are people and should be respected as such. It's a choice to have a hobby life, a choice to have a real world life, and a choice to be honest or not with people in one life about the other. I personally don't judged anyone for their choices.

I would have only have two real concerns. First, if I found out a young lady is in the hobby against her will......OH HELL TO THE NO!!! I will offer a helping hand. And second, if a lady's RW SO didn't know about the hobby and thought I was the the "other guy"......don't want that drama.
I believe if the s.o is cool with it, then so be it. I personally wouldn't want to keep a secret like being a provider from my significant other, because I'm big on honesty in a relationship and I don't want them to keep things from me. So, he/she would have to be okay with it, if I were to continue providing once in a committed relationship. I do say though, it takes a certain kind of man to be able to handle something like that, and to not get things twisted and them start thinking because they are the man then they are automatically entering into "pimp" status.
Wild12tame's Avatar
I personally don't have a problem with it. I'd prefer if the SO was aware of it to avoid possible drama with the SO but it's not a deal breaker for me. In a different town long before eccie I routinely saw a provider that was married and her husband had no idea. She said she did it for spending money. Kinda bothered me but I got over it quickly.
I have two life styles.
I am me, myself, and Tootsie! Tootsie is my awesome dog!
I go to work and live like everyone else. I keep my sexual interests to myself.
I do not ask anyone about their sex life and dont want anyone to ask about mine.