Besides Trump Wacko and bambino, who thinks we should cede Ukraine to Putin

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-19-2022, 03:12 PM
I think I should have included Salty and WTID....maybe dilbert.

I think both LL's agree with me when I say I'd love to arm Ukraine and watch them kick the shit out of Putin. I'm suprised Lexy is siding against Trump not as suprised lustingfornuts can go against Trump
Jacuzzme's Avatar
No, but it should be split up. Donbas and Crimea should be independently recognized and Russia be given security and neutrality assurances from the rest. Short of that you’re pissing into the wind and untold deaths are forthcoming.
texassapper's Avatar
It isn't "OURS" to cede or not. My question is why was the West pushing for Ukraine to join NATO? That's the underlying cause for the invasion....

Let the Ruskies and Ukrainians figure it out... They aren't our Monkeys, and it's not our circus.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-19-2022, 04:58 PM
Two more Trumpers are saying fuck those Ukraine.

I asked and y'all replied.

I will say thank ya...and move on.

Oh and maybe another question to ask is you is Russia hell bent on forcing Ukraine to submit?....why is Russia pushing Ukraine to
Two more Trumpers are saying fuck those Ukraine.

I asked and y'all replied.

I will say thank ya...and move on.

Oh and maybe another question to ask is you is Russia hell bent on forcing Ukraine to submit?....why is Russia pushing Ukraine to Originally Posted by WTF
It's pretty obvious you have no idea whats going on between Ukraine and Russia and why this conflict is happening.
bambino's Avatar
It's pretty obvious you have no idea whats going on between Ukraine and Russia and why this conflict is happening. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Professor Poofter doesn’t know much about anything, except Poofters.
Professor Poofter doesn’t know much about anything, except Poofters. Originally Posted by bambino
The minute Trump was mentioned, I knew he had no idea what this conflict is about.
HedonistForever's Avatar
You could tell by the question that he doesn't understand geo-politics. It is not ours to cede as others have mentioned and I wouldn't say the West was "pushing" Ukraine to join NATO because the West didn't think Ukraine was close to being ready to join NATO, BUT, that isn't how it looked to Putin.

I really don't know if one month ago Ukraine would have signed an agreement to never join NATO, this invasion wouldn't have happened but it sure as hell might have. Sure, we all hate Putin but failing to understand the other's guy's argument on what he thinks his security needs are is a failure on our part and if that sounds like schilling for Putin, that's to damn bad. I can't concern myself with what morons that don't understand geo-polics think. Just imagine what we would do, hell, we don't have to imagine, we lived through it when we went to the brink of nuclear war to tell the Soviet Union we would not stand for Soviet missiles in Cuba. How the hell is Putin saying he will not stand for NATO missiles in a country that borders Russia any different? He was asking for a security agreement that we, the West ignored and now look where we are. Schilling for Put my ass, it's just fucking common sense to ask these questions but it looks like America has given up on common sense.

We just watched a man get awarded the first NCAA medal for winning in Women's swimming. That is so fucked up and Putin and XI and other despots are seeing this as a weakness, hell, a sickness in America and as much as I hate to agree with these two, I do too.

It is very possible that in the next few weeks, months, that Zelinski will submit to an agreement, though he says he never will, that leaves Crimea in the hands of the Russians, maybe we can thank Obama for that but there was nothing we could do about that then or now, leaves the two disputed regions in Eastern Ukraine as independent states that will likely align themselves with Russia, maybe not but it will be up to them to decide, and if so, Putin ceases fighting. Maybe, maybe not but if that does happen and that could have been done before this invasion, think of all the thousands of dead and millions as homeless refugees for what? For something that could have been agreed to months ago.

Watching ABC news tonight, they couldn't resist mentioning Tucker Carlson and said, then showed a clip of Tucker asking "do we really want to go to war with Russia"? A question millions of Americans are asking and get this, damn near every military leader in this country has openly asked the same damn question telling us how we shouldn't escalate this conflict, think No Fly Zone, for fear of going to war with Russia and asking, "do we really want to go to war with Russia", the same damn question Carlson asked but he is a traitor and our military leaders are what, just wise to ask that question. It makes me sick to my stomach how the left is tearing this country apart with their stupidity pitting Americans against Americans for simply asking a relevant question that must be discussed.

What the hell did we achieve in Afghanistan and left 80 million ( or is it billions ) dollars worth of armaments in Afghanistan when we left. What the hell did we achieve in Vietnam, a country that did not attack us. In hind sight, it's easy to see that we should never have gotten involved there and we should do everything possible to not get more involved in Ukraine though I do support the aide we have already given. How much military hardware will now be left in Ukraine, if, when it falls?

It is more than likely the military people are saying tonight, that the more it looks like Putin is losing this battle, the more likely he is to escalate to chemical and nuclear weapons. Then what will we be saying about Carlson's warning.

Reports coming out of Ukraine say that Russia has already used Phosphorus and just might use a tactical nuke. What would we do in that case, use our own nuclear weapons to counter? To what end?
You could tell by the question that he doesn't understand geo-politics. It is not ours to cede as others have mentioned and I wouldn't say the West was "pushing" Ukraine to join NATO because the West didn't think Ukraine was close to being ready to join NATO, BUT, that isn't how it looked to Putin.

I really don't know if one month ago Ukraine would have signed an agreement to never join NATO, this invasion wouldn't have happened but it sure as hell might have. Sure, we all hate Putin but failing to understand the other's guy's argument on what he thinks his security needs are is a failure on our part and if that sounds like schilling for Putin, that's to damn bad. I can't concern myself with what morons that don't understand geo-polics think. Just imagine what we would do, hell, we don't have to imagine, we lived through it when we went to the brink of nuclear war to tell the Soviet Union we would not stand for Soviet missiles in Cuba. How the hell is Putin saying he will not stand for NATO missiles in a country that borders Russia any different? He was asking for a security agreement that we, the West ignored and now look where we are. Schilling for Put my ass, it's just fucking common sense to ask these questions but it looks like America has given up on common sense.

We just watched a man get awarded the first NCAA medal for winning in Women's swimming. That is so fucked up and Putin and XI and other despots are seeing this as a weakness, hell, a sickness in America and as much as I hate to agree with these two, I do too.

It is very possible that in the next few weeks, months, that Zelinski will submit to an agreement, though he says he never will, that leaves Crimea in the hands of the Russians, maybe we can thank Obama for that but there was nothing we could do about that then or now, leaves the two disputed regions in Eastern Ukraine as independent states that will likely align themselves with Russia, maybe not but it will be up to them to decide, and if so, Putin ceases fighting. Maybe, maybe not but if that does happen and that could have been done before this invasion, think of all the thousands of dead and millions as homeless refugees for what? For something that could have been agreed to months ago.

Watching ABC news tonight, they couldn't resist mentioning Tucker Carlson and said, then showed a clip of Tucker asking "do we really want to go to war with Russia"? A question millions of Americans are asking and get this, damn near every military leader in this country has openly asked the same damn question telling us how we shouldn't escalate this conflict, think No Fly Zone, for fear of going to war with Russia and asking, "do we really want to go to war with Russia", the same damn question Carlson asked but he is a traitor and our military leaders are what, just wise to ask that question. It makes me sick to my stomach how the left is tearing this country apart with their stupidity pitting Americans against Americans for simply asking a relevant question that must be discussed.

What the hell did we achieve in Afghanistan and left 80 million ( or is it billions ) dollars worth of armaments in Afghanistan when we left. What the hell did we achieve in Vietnam, a country that did not attack us. In hind sight, it's easy to see that we should never have gotten involved there and we should do everything possible to not get more involved in Ukraine though I do support the aide we have already given. How much military hardware will now be left in Ukraine, if, when it falls?

It is more than likely the military people are saying tonight, that the more it looks like Putin is losing this battle, the more likely he is to escalate to chemical and nuclear weapons. Then what will we be saying about Carlson's warning.

Reports coming out of Ukraine say that Russia has already used Phosphorus and just might use a tactical nuke. What would we do in that case, use our own nuclear weapons to counter? To what end? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Giving Ukraine supplies is fine and the humanitarian thing to do. But to put American Troops on the ground and in the air could possibly cause Putin to use Nuclear weapons. Since this conflict isn't ours to win or loose it's best we just remain neutral. It's a terrible thing but our involvement could make things worse. Somehow Putin needs to be assassinated.
... Reckon they are prolly close to a resolution... Maybe another
week or so. Russia will "get" the two border areas they fancy
and Ukraine will Not join NATO and BOTH sides will declare Victory.

So all that will be left to do is punish Putin for
his War Crimes. ... Which won't be much punishment.
Seeing-as Biden is surely compromised by both nations (and China).

#### Salty
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
This is the United States. At one time we were able to discuss anything topic without fear or retribution. Now, we have people like WTF and other lefties. Sounds like good old fashioned McCarthyism left over from the 1950s. The democrats like to talk about the "switch" but they don't see the real switch. From freedom loving hippies to rock hard authoritarians.
... WTF and our other liberal bludger-mates are just blue
because they know Sleepy Joe has been a sad DISASTER
as president... And yet they have to defend the sorry likes
of him right here every day. ... And it's not just that
Biden is bad - he'll no doubt go down in HISTORY as
America's WORST president.

And he's not even two years in.
Now THAT'S saying something.

### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Fuck russia and ukraine. let em rusty trombone each other
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
some people here have forgotten about the berlin airlift.

soviets threatened to shoot down planes flying supplies to berlin.

none were shot down.

perhaps this is a different situation with respect to Ukraine.

I'm all for supplying weapons and food to ukraine, but I'd rule out intervention.

mostly, this is biden's and Europe's fault. this war was unnecessary, but apparently somebody wanted it.
HedonistForever's Avatar
This is the United States. At one time we were able to discuss anything topic without fear or retribution. Now, we have people like WTF and other lefties. Sounds like good old fashioned McCarthyism left over from the 1950s. The democrats like to talk about the "switch" but they don't see the real switch. From freedom loving hippies to rock hard authoritarians. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Did you happen to see the story about what happened on the campus of Yale Law school? A righty and a lefty ( for lack of better terms ) were brought in to show how two reasonable adults from different perspectives, could have an intelligent conversation with out acrimony. Well, that didn't get very far when some Yale students started trying to shut them down from having any conversation at all. When one speaker told the students that the were being disruptive, they responded with "you're disrupting us" said by children who decided to enter the hall on their own accord.

This is where we are in America today and it is 100% caused by the left who have all of a sudden decide they want to be Markist and want restrictions on speech so that nobodies feelings are hurt.

I can't help think that we are done as a country if we can't turn the left around to common sense and decency.

And now a Federal Judge, was so pissed at what he had witnessed, that he sent a letter to every Federal Judge asking them to consider their actions before giving them a job!

Federal judge says Yale Law students who disrupted free speech panel should be 'noted': email

A federal judge said law students who disrupt free speech panels should be "noted," in an email to colleagues following reports that a group of about 100 Yale Law students protested a bipartisan panel on civil liberties last week.
"The latest events at Yale Law School, in which students attempted to shout down speakers participating in a panel discussion on free speech, prompt me to suggest that students who are identified as those willing to disrupt any such panel discussion should be noted," Judge Lawrence Silberman of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit said in an email to his fellow Article III judges, according to a tweet from Slate senior writer Mark Joseph Stern.
Silberman continued: "All federal judges—and all federal judges are presumably committed to free speech — should carefully consider whether any student so identified should be disqualified from potential clerkships."
Silberman continued: "All federal judges—and all federal judges are presumably committed to free speech — should carefully consider whether any student so identified should be disqualified from potential clerkships."
Black balling Lefties, gotta love the irony