20 Federal ‘Assets’ Embedded at Capitol on Jan. 6, Court Filing Says

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dilbert firestorm's Avatar
20 Federal ‘Assets’ Embedded at Capitol on Jan. 6, Court Filing Says

You can bet it was more than that... Originally Posted by texassapper
epoch times has pay wall. copy article here
Just ask Salty, it's on the video he can't find. You know the one everyone was going to see in January.

A defense attorney for the Oath Keepers put this into a motion to dismiss...don't hold your breath for this to play out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Horse manure.

That’s for sure!


Soooo gullible, bud!
Just ask Salty, it's on the video he can't find. You know the one everyone was going to see in January.

A defense attorney for the Oath Keepers put this into a motion to dismiss...don't hold your breath for this to play out. Originally Posted by 69in2it69
... Once again, mate - NEXT January, when Republicans
run the Congress and will show all the evidence.

But I don't hear you pissing on BombKat's story.
Do YOU believe it's false??

... Or maybe... just maybe... you're starting to
see that we were telling the TRUTH.

Much-like we were doing when I and some o' the other mates
told ya that Hillary and her stooges SPYED on President Trump.

Reckon you're see THAT is true also...

#### Salty
20 Federal ‘Assets’ Embedded at Capitol on Jan. 6, Court Filing Says

You can bet it was more than that... Originally Posted by texassapper
Epoch Times rotting your brains.

Questionable Reasoning: Conspiracy Theories, Pseudoscience, Propaganda, Fake News, Failed Fact Checks
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Newspaper
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Only made it to Defon 2 so far? Why do you have to be told what to think by someone else? Have you ever considered thinking for yourself? Not that you have the requisite tool for the job. I'm guessing you are not just a subscriber to NewsGuard, but also a stock holder
Tactics of the lame:
  1. Say the source is biased
  2. Get a pole dancer or other fact-checker (ministry of truther) on record
  3. Use labels
  4. Character assassination
  5. In case of fire, break glass and call them a racist

Shill harder. You're hardly earning you way today.

Epoch Times rotting your brains.

Questionable Reasoning: Conspiracy Theories, Pseudoscience, Propaganda, Fake News, Failed Fact Checks
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Newspaper
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY Originally Posted by royamcr
... Once again, mate - NEXT January, when Republicans
run the Congress and will show all the evidence.

But I don't hear you pissing on BombKat's story.
Do YOU believe it's false??

... Or maybe... just maybe... you're starting to
see that we were telling the TRUTH.

Much-like we were doing when I and some o' the other mates
told ya that Hillary and her stooges SPYED on President Trump.

Reckon you're see THAT is true also...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Hey mate, you're the one that only came up with NEXT January after it failed to happen this January. Do you get confused on years when you post, or was it the fact someone called you out??

Trump is becoming the joke of even the GOP...maybe not as much as MoscowMarge, but not trailing by much.
USA Today is slightly left, but has a high credibility rating unlike the right wing conspiracy bullshit that trumptards present.


All this bullshit about FBI running the coup is from almost a year ago.
epoch times has pay wall. copy article here Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Most pay walls are JavaScript based. Turn off JavaScript for that page and reload. Most of the time the article will show. This will kill any videos players that the site is using but the text should show.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
20 Federal ‘Assets’ Embedded at Capitol on Jan. 6, Court Filing Says

You can bet it was more than that... Originally Posted by texassapper
20 Federal ‘Assets’ Embedded at Capitol on Jan. 6, Court Filing Says

Oath Keepers motion seeks to dismiss seditious conspiracy, obstruction charges

By Joseph M. Hanneman
April 12, 2022 Updated: April 13, 2022

At least 20 FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives “assets” were embedded around the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a defense attorney wrote in a court filing on April 12.

The disclosure was made in a motion seeking to dismiss seditious conspiracy and obstruction charges against 10 Oath Keepers defendants in one of the most prominent Jan. 6 criminal cases.

David W. Fischer, attorney for Thomas E. Caldwell of Berryville, Virginia, filed a 41-page motion to dismiss four counts on behalf of all Oath Keepers case defendants before U.S. District Judge Amit P. Mehta in Washington, D.C.

Caldwell is charged in the indictment, but is not a member of the Oath Keepers, he told The Epoch Times in March.

“At least 20 FBI and ATF assets were embedded around the Capitol on J6,” read a footnote on Page 6 of the motion. No other details were provided in the document.

The footnote said defense attorneys “combed through a mountain of discovery,” including FBI form 302 summaries of interviews conducted by FBI agents.

In addition to the information about law-enforcement assets on the ground at the Capitol, the footnote says, the Oath Keepers “were being monitored and recorded prior to J6.”

Poring over evidence turned over in discovery by prosecutors in two major Oath Keepers cases has “not found one iota of proof” that defendants “had any plan, intention, design, or scheme to specifically enter the Capitol Building on J6,” the motion said.

Fischer told The Epoch Times he could not comment on the motion or provide more details on the footnote.

Since the first arrests of Jan. 6 defendants in early 2021, there has been extensive speculation and questions from attorneys, defendants, case observers, and members of Congress about the role law enforcement played that day.

During a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Jan. 11, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) grilled top FBI officials on the subject.

“How many FBI agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of Jan. 6?” Cruz asked Jill Sanborn, executive assistant director of the FBI’s national security branch.

“Sir, I’m sure you can appreciate that I can’t go into the specifics of sources and methods,” Sanborn said.

Cruz replied, “Did any FBI agents or confidential informants actively participate in the events of Jan. 6, yes or no?”

“Sir, I can’t answer that,” Sanborn said.

“Did any FBI agents or confidential informants commit crimes of violence on Jan. 6?” Cruz asked.

“I can’t answer that, sir,” Sanborn replied.

Jeremy M. Brown, an Oath Keepers member from Florida who was charged with two Jan. 6-related counts but is not part of either major Oath Keepers conspiracy case, told The Epoch Times earlier this year that the FBI unsuccessfully tried to recruit him in 2020 to spy on the group.

Brown said the same agents who later arrested him for alleged Jan. 6 crimes tried to recruit him on Dec. 11, 2020, to become a confidential informant. He refused. He was arrested on Sept. 30, 2021, when dozens of federal agents swarmed his Florida property.

“When asked by me and my girlfriend to produce the warrants at the time of arrest, they refused to produce them,” Brown said. “One agent was even recorded stating, ‘We don’t know what we are looking for yet.’ They should look for a copy of the Constitution and read it.”

No Crime Stated?

The Oath Keepers, including founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes III, are charged with conspiring to enter the Capitol on Jan. 6 to prevent the certification of the Electoral College votes from the 2020 presidential election. Protests and rioting on Jan. 6 interrupted a joint session of Congress for about six hours.

“The Rhodes defendants seek dismissal of Counts 1-4 on the grounds that the indictment fails to state an offense as to each count,” Fischer wrote in his motion.

The four counts covered in the motion to dismiss all refer to obstructing a proceeding or preventing an officer from discharging duties.

Under Title 18 of the U.S. Code, the seditious conspiracy charge “requires proof that the purpose of the defendants’ seditious conspiracy was to forcibly obstruct a person authorized to execute a law, while that person was attempting to execute the particular law opposed by the defendants,” Fischer wrote.

“Per binding precedent, however, Members of Congress are constitutionally prohibited from ‘executing any law of the United States,’ ” the motion said. “Additionally, per binding precedent, the Electoral College certification process did not constitute the ‘execution of any law of the United States.’ ”

Counts 2 and 3 of the indictment are brought under 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c), but that law only applies to obstructive acts related to the destruction of evidence, the motion said.

This argument was cited in March by U.S. District Judge Carl J. Nichols, who dismissed the same obstruction charge in two other Jan. 6 cases.

Count 4 accuses the defendants of conspiring to prevent an officer from discharging any duties.

Under binding legal precedent, the motion argues, the terms “office,” “officer” and “officer of the United States” take their meaning from the Appointments Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Members of Congress are not “officers” under the Appointments Clause, Fischer wrote.

The motion described the indictment as “an obscenely one-sided, selectively edited, and inaccurate representation of [Oath Keepers’] actions and statements.”

The Oath Keepers “Quick Reaction Forces” (QRFs) described in the criminal complaint as being ready to assist in the attack on the Capitol with men and armaments were actually standing by in Virginia in case Oath Keepers in DC were attacked or threatened by Antifa, the motion said.

“… Every scrap of evidence reviewed confirms that the ‘QRFs,’ which were utilized on numerous prior dates, were intended as rescue forces in the event that the Oath Keepers were attacked by Antifa or a similar contingency, and not to attack the Capitol Building,” the filing said.

In a companion motion filed on behalf of defendant Kelly Meggs, attorney Jonathon Moseley described the notion of opposing the lawful transfer of presidential power as a “thought crime,” and the charge in the indictment as “devoid of supporting factual allegations.”

“The Constitution makes clear that it is a Constitutional impossibility to ‘oppose the transfer of presidential power.’ Not only could such a goal not be accomplished, but beyond that, it is an irrational concept lacking in any basis, in fact, law, or common sense,” Moseley wrote.

“This is not a case in which conspirators might attempt to do something they are unable to successfully achieve,” Moseley’s filing said. “It is an irrational concept like dividing by zero. There can be no such thing in law or fact.”

The Epoch Times contacted the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia for comment but did not receive a reply by press time.
... Wouldja look at that - FBI officials CANNOT and WILL NOT
deny that they DID have their-own operatives there. Ray Epps
is one of them. ... Yes, the SAME Ray Epps who was just on
the FBI's Most Wanted list.

... Just like WE told you AT THE TIME.

Some o' you sad liberal lads should be EMBARRASSED that
YOU were once again so easily duped by the liberal media.

### Salty
Epps is no where near an operative, just another stupid trumptard....

The story of Ray Epps is a depressing chronicle of our times. Epps is a Trump supporter from Arizona who joined the crowd at the Capitol on Jan. 6 — and now is at the center of a baseless conspiracy theory promoted by lawmakers and the former president. In recent weeks, his lawyer tells The Fact Checker, he and his wife have received death threats. “He’s very upset,” said John W. Blischak, a Phoenix attorney.

This conspiracy theory follows a familiar path. Self-proclaimed Internet sleuths, seeking to prove the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol was the work of federal agents, latch onto “clues.” Partisan players weave the clues into misleading narratives. Then Fox News hosts such as Tucker Carlson elevate these claims, over and over. That catches the attention of lawmakers eager to win favor with the Trump base. Idle speculation becomes embraced as established fact.
VitaMan's Avatar
Now there is the truth. Salty may be too far gone to save.

The January 6 rioters screwed up and ran amuck...and they don't even have the spine to admit it.

These conspiracy theories are "aboutism" on steroids. The narrative goes like:

"What about the (fictional) operatives that led us down the path of rioting and doing this destruction ?"

And the follow up point they never make is if there were operatives, why were they stupid enough to follow them ?

The whole thing is a joke. And the sources well noted as right wing radical FAKE news publications.

Can Salty prove he is not a communist ? Is Salty an operative for the Trump Organization ?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Epps is no where near an operative, just another stupid trumptard....

The story of Ray Epps is a depressing chronicle of our times. Epps is a Trump supporter from Arizona who joined the crowd at the Capitol on Jan. 6 — and now is at the center of a baseless conspiracy theory promoted by lawmakers and the former president. In recent weeks, his lawyer tells The Fact Checker, he and his wife have received death threats. “He’s very upset,” said John W. Blischak, a Phoenix attorney.

This conspiracy theory follows a familiar path. Self-proclaimed Internet sleuths, seeking to prove the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol was the work of federal agents, latch onto “clues.” Partisan players weave the clues into misleading narratives. Then Fox News hosts such as Tucker Carlson elevate these claims, over and over. That catches the attention of lawmakers eager to win favor with the Trump base. Idle speculation becomes embraced as established fact. Originally Posted by royamcr
if you say so

FBI’s tactics doomed case against men charged in kidnapping plot of Michigan governor


“Through confidential sources, undercover agents, and clandestine recordings,” the Justice Department announced in October 2020, “law enforcement learned particular individuals were planning to kidnap” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and “acting in furtherance of that plan.”

But it turned out those individuals included the government’s “confidential sources,” who pushed the half-baked scheme and orchestrated acts “in furtherance of that plan” even when the defendants resisted it.

The appearance of entrapment, coupled with the difficulty of distinguishing between fantasy and criminal conspiracy, explains the embarrassing outcome of a federal trial that ended last week, when jurors acquitted two alleged conspirators and failed to reach verdicts for the other two. It was a well-deserved rebuke of investigative methods that crossed the line between prevention and invention.

Two of the six original defendants, Ty Garbin and Kaleb Franks, pleaded guilty and testified for the prosecution, saying they willingly participated in the kidnapping plot. But the record compiled by the government shows FBI agents and their informants were determined to advance a narrative that would justify their efforts.

The jurors clearly were troubled by that evidence. They acquitted two of the remaining defendants, Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta, of conspiring to kidnap Whitmer, and could not agree on the charges against the other two, Adam Fox and Barry Croft.

Prosecutors said the defendants, whom they described as members of right-wing militias, were so enraged by Whitmer’s heavy-handed COVID-19 control measures that they resolved to kidnap her. But it was doubtful that they had the ability to mount such an operation and unclear what the upshot was supposed to be.

In a September 2020 text message to Dan Chappel, a key FBI informant who was paid more than $50,000 for his work, Special Agent Jayson Chambers said, “Mission is to kill the governor specifically.” But Garbin testified that there was talk of stranding Whitmer in Lake Michigan on a boat without a motor, which would somehow prevent Joe Biden from winning the presidential election.
This combo shows booking photos of, from left, Barry Croft, Daniel Harris, Adam Fox and Brandon Caserta.

The government portrayed Fox, who was commonly dismissed as an indecisive, incompetent and unserious stoner, as the ringleader. Yet Fox repeatedly talked about abandoning or indefinitely delaying the kidnapping scheme, and even when he discussed the logistics it was clear he had no realistic plan: He imagined using boats and a helicopter, for instance, even though he had access to neither.

Several elements of the plot described by the Justice Department seemed to be products of government instigation. During a June 2020 meeting highlighted by the FBI, for example, it was an informant who argued that kidnapping was necessary.

When Fox reported that militia members could not agree on a plan to kidnap Whitmer or suggested that the idea should be put “on the back burner,” Chappel continued to promote the scheme. He and the other informants also suggested alternative crimes, such as firing rounds into Whitmer’s vacation cottage and destroying her boat.

The informants encouraged, coordinated, assisted or funded various acts that the government cited as evidence of a conspiracy, including the use of encrypted communications, a nighttime drive to Whitmer’s cottage that went awry because the FBI gave the wrong address and several “field training exercises,” or FTXs.

Although the FBI suggested that abbreviation was familiar to the defendants, Caserta had to ask Chappel what it meant.

The FBI said its informants operated independently, unaware of each other’s identities. But audio recordings show they colluded to produce the evidence the FBI wanted. “I am not going to induce any fucking illegal activity that we don’t have to,” one declared.

These FBI tactics are familiar from earlier investigations. In many terrorism cases, the agency likewise used informants to implicate suspects in crimes they otherwise might not have had the inclination or wherewithal to commit.

“We have a saying in my office,” Special Agent Henrik Impola told a confidential informant after the kidnapping suspects were arrested. “Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story.”

Jacob Sullum is a senior editor at Reason magazine.