Sex robots may take over the world by 2050.

If they do, all the credit goes to the first sex robot, Roxxxy, for paving the way for their dominance.
Roxxxy was unveiled to the world by Douglas Hines of at the 2010 AVN Expo in Las Vegas.
Roxxxy comes with a variety of modes, including "Skank Mode."
Roxxxy is the first sex robot to feature artificial intelligence. She weighs 60 pounds.
"Her skin is beautiful," Hines says in a YouTube video presenting Roxxxy, which you can view below [WARNING: NSFW, must be over 18.] "She's actually composed like a person."
A pair of New Zealand researchers say sex robots will revolutionize the sex tourism business by 2050.
"Robot sex is safer sex, free from the constraints, precautions and uncertainties of the real deal," wrote Victoria University management professor Ian Yeoman and sexologist Michelle Mars in their paper, titled "Robots, Men And Sex Tourism."

The paper is published in the journal Futures and was first reported by New Zealand's Dominion Post.
"Robots, Men And Sex Tourism" describes an imaginary sex club in Amsterdam called Yub-Yum, where sex tourists pay 10,000 euros ($13,191) for massage, lap dances and straight sex from sex robots strutting around the club.
The club would resemble others in Amsterdam's Red Light District, the researchers wrote, saying Yub-Yum would contain "sexual gods and goddesses of different ethnicities, body shapes, ages, languages and sexual features."
Sexually transmitted diseases and infections would be non-existent, Yeoman and Mars said, because the sex robots would be made of bacteria-resistant fiber that would be flushed of human fluids after the sex acts.
While the New Zealand study is bad news for prostitutes, Dennis Hof, owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, a legalized brothel near Las Vegas, scoffed at the findings, saying nothing beats the real thing.
"Those Australian researchers ought to come to the Bunny Ranch to see what real American sex is like - there's no way to duplicate it," Hof told CBS Las Vegas. "At the Bunny Ranch, we say 'it's not just the sex, it's an adventure' - and often times it's more about the adventure than it is the sex."
you can view below WARNING: NSFW, must be over 18.
davo1's Avatar
  • davo1
  • 04-20-2012, 05:13 PM
I LOL'd when I saw the "Frigid Farrah" pre-programmed personality option

Seeing the site reminds me of this:
and this:

....and this documentary:

I am patiently waiting for this one, btw

or this.....
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 04-23-2012, 09:23 AM
Why would there be "Tourism" when she is going to be home always? Hope no one gets stuck inside.
Daen1304's Avatar
I posted this in the other thread on this topic, and I'll say it again. 10000 Euros for a roll in the hay? FUCK THAT. Hell even if they are perfect goddesses I still wouldn't pay that much. There are a number of providers that qualify for that description and they don't charge anywhere near that much. According to the Amstardam board the window girls can be propositioned for 50 Euros ($66) and an hour with a provider that is more of our style is 150 Euro for an hour ($178). Even if inflation goes haywire that still does not seem like a deal that destroy the traditional sex industry. And I doubt it would be 100% safe. If STDs were that easy to deal with we wouldn't have any issues with them. IMO sexbots would either be a great deal cheaper, or they will be an ultra highend sex toy. Not a replacement for our wonderful ladies.
pyramider's Avatar
Maybe the sexbot has a golden pussy ...
I have been mildly obsessed with sex robots, androids, Artificial Intelligence, and the Real Dolls for quite a while now. Someday I will actually purchase one... someday...