Fantasy Ranch Update - It's now a Dungeon

For anyone who's interested in what became of Fantasy Ranch... or, anyone looking for a BDSM Dungeon...
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
Fuck yeah!!! I used to go when it was fantasy ranch and with it being so close how can I ignore this new gem.
CG2014's Avatar
Do they have any Dragons?
mtabsw's Avatar
Wonder if one of our local bdsm gurus finally got the business of his dreams...
Well of course I had to stop by on my way home from work today. They let me peak in and take a look around tyvm. Its affiliated with players next door and much cheaper for membership. I believe the hours are Thursday's and weekends. Opens at 8pm and closes at 3am in case you want to head next door for more playtime. They had many things to see and do .
Misty S's Avatar
Wow so cool