Pit Bulls Are Delicious

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did the President mean he would rather eat a pit bull than Sarah Palin?


Joe Biden must be writing his material now.

COG, regardless of what you think of President Obama, he is good in this arena.

We are a populus permiated with "pop culture", 2/3 of the citizens cannot name the three branches of Government, but can tell you what Kim Kardashian wore to the Correspondence Dinner the other night.

This plays right into the hands of a charismatic figure like The President. He can manipulate these weak minds, promise them anything, while demanding nothing in return but their vote. Afterall, somebody else is paying for it.

I pity poor Mitt Romney. All he can offer is fiscal responsibility to a Country that is drowning in it's own debt of vomit. What is that up against a good one liner.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
That is for sure. I think he is the Pied Piper.
dearhunter's Avatar
But, would he j353 a pit bull over Sarah Palin.....that is the question.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Do you think Odumbo 'misspoke' and was confusing Palin for Michelle . . . like he purportedly 'misspoke' when he said, "What I was suggesting -- you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith"?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
More retareded things have come out of BO's mouth than Sarah Palin's pussy.
joe bloe's Avatar
COG, regardless of what you think of President Obama, he is good in this arena.

We are a populus permiated with "pop culture", 2/3 of the citizens cannot name the three branches of Government, but can tell you what Kim Kardashian wore to the Correspondence Dinner the other night.

This plays right into the hands of a charismatic figure like The President. He can manipulate these weak minds, promise them anything, while demanding nothing in return but their vote. Afterall, somebody else is paying for it.

I pity poor Mitt Romney. All he can offer is fiscal responsibility to a Country that is drowning in it's own debt of vomit. What is that up against a good one liner. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Somebody once said that you get quality of leadership you deserve. Obama may be what we deserve. He may very well be a reflection of the average voter who is essentially worthless. Demagogues are only able to practice their trade by exploiting the weaknesses of the voter. If the average voter is ignorant of basic economics, history and current events and covets the possessions of his harder working neighbors, then leadership like Obama is inevitable.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, now we're making fun of Down's Syndrome Children...I think you need to apologize and sit in the corner for a while.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
yes sir.
pyramider's Avatar
We cannot make fun of retards anymore? How about just COG and barleycorn? Maybe some other fucktards, too?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
What a bunch of self-congratulatory fucktards you guys are.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What a bunch of self-congratulatory fucktards you guys are. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
And somehow -- as you post here -- you imagine you are aloof, o' pretentious one?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
No, IBH, I had to keep it short before I threw up on my keyboard.
What a bunch of self-congratulatory fucktards you guys are. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Get your girlfriends and come join the party.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Better, IIFY, but still sort of slow. Adjust your tampon and get back to Webster's Online.