Encounter: Sweetz in Schenectady

Alb2209's Avatar
Date: 6/16/20
Name: Sweetz
Phone: 5185172911
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://albany.skipthegames.com/fema...e/127975214592
City: Schenectady
State: New York
Address: Off power Albany st
Hair Length and Color: Medium black
Age: 40s
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: Black/African
Physical Description: Nice body as in pics. Butter face.
Recommendation: No
Do you stutter IRL too? But yeah thanks for the review.
Alb2209's Avatar
Just take the review for what it’s worth obviously it may have been a typo find something else to bitch about in life instead of an honest review from somebody..nitpicking at something As if this is fucking English class is very childish one of the main reasons I don’t post as much on here. Your comment is fucking useless
Thanks for the review...
Thanks for the review