? For the Ladies

I was at a business lunch about an hour ago, me and two male co-workers, and this VERY stunning brunette walks past our table. I noticed after she passed by all of us had this look on our faces like our IQ's were lower than Forrest Gump's. She definitely noticed us as she walked by because our conversation stopped immediately as our attention focused on her. What I want to know is if you ladies find it as a compliment that we as men turn into bumbling idiots because of your beauty? Or is it just another thing about us that irritates you? Also, do we even have a chance if we approach you after looking so foolish?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-21-2012, 01:45 PM
I was at a business lunch about an hour ago, me and two male co-workers, and this VERY stunning brunette walks past our table. I noticed after she passed by all of us had this look on our faces like our IQ's were lower than Forrest Gump's. She definitely noticed us as she walked by because our conversation stopped immediately as our attention focused on her. What I want to know is if you ladies find it as a compliment that we as men turn into bumbling idiots because of your beauty? Or is it just another thing about us that irritates you? Also, do we even have a chance if we approach you after looking so foolish? Originally Posted by clitlicker7

from what Ive read on this board


or risk getting bitch slapped and told to fuck off

IMO, if you dont have an so, approach the subject of interest and show your interest ... ya never know until ya go.
I here you CJ. It was the idiot factor I was concerned about. I don't have a fear of approaching women, I have a new fuck buddy and an SO on the side. It was just that all three of us were honestly stunned by how beautiful this woman was. Just think of a brunette with hazel eyes, hour glass figure, ample breast and rear, wearing a tight but classy business suit in four inch heels. We were at her mercy and I think she knew it.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I would think most girls would be flattered CLk7 You can always read her body language to tell if she would be receptive.
I would think most girls would be flattered CLk7 You can always read her body language to tell if she would be receptive.
Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
+1 SNL
As long as it's not disrespectful cat calling accompanying the oogling, we're good to go, lol. It's actually very humbling when a cat catches a guys' tongue around me.
I would be flattered and take it as a compliment. an ego boost. lol
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-21-2012, 02:30 PM
I here you CJ. It was the idiot factor I was concerned about. I don't have a fear of approaching women, I have a new fuck buddy and an SO on the side. It was just that all three of us were honestly stunned by how beautiful this woman was. Just think of a brunette with hazel eyes, hour glass figure, ample breast and rear, wearing a tight but classy business suit in four inch heels. We were at her mercy and I think she knew it. Originally Posted by clitlicker7


most men wont approach a real stunner for fear of rejection. IMO women of that quality appreciate a man with "gusto" so to speak. They have it, know it, flaunt it, and like it. If youre drooling like a moron, or confronting them with a compliment you will be appreciated.

They know no freakin MERCY.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-21-2012, 02:48 PM
I would think most girls would be flattered CLk7 You can always read her body language to tell if she would be receptive.

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

as do I. Gentlemen like to compliment the finer things in this life.

Did I mention I find your avitar very exciting, and admire those perfect little legs?

I would also take it as a compliment. I would not want to be approach though

Safire Sweet
@CJ7 I wasn't drooling it was more of a dopey look. In my usual approach I feel more confident, probably because I'm already in that state of mind. We were all caught off guard and all we could do was sit there with the typical dumbass look that we as men are all too familiar with.
Flattering, yet annoying. I prefer to be ignored. Seldom happens though.
I would also take it as a compliment. I would not want to be approach though

Safire Sweet Originally Posted by safire_sweet
Safire gives a great visual of what I'm talking about. This woman would easily pass as her sister, just taller with hazel eyes. I surrender.
shorty's Avatar
Flattering, yet annoying. I prefer to be ignored. Seldom happens though. Originally Posted by Shayla
How can you be ignored with those tight pants on showing your ass. Or those yoga pants that leaves to the imagination of what kind of panties you have on, if any!!
Flattering, yet annoying. I prefer to be ignored. Seldom happens though. Originally Posted by Shayla
Amazing insight from arguably the most desired provider on ECCIE. Are you annoyed by assholes hitting on you constantly or from what may seem to be guys kissing your ass to try to butter you up?
Amazing insight from arguably the most desired provider on ECCIE. Are you annoyed by assholes hitting on you constantly or from what may seem to be guys kissing your ass to try to butter you up? Originally Posted by clitlicker7
If I'm out in public, generally I'm trying to get stuff done - I don't want to be bothered. Has nothing to do with a "too good for you" attitude. I just don't have a lot of patience and my tolerance level is low.
If I'm at the bar/casino... well I'm a little more tolerant. Even more so when I've had a few drinks.