If you knew that a provider had been

arrested and had her cell phone and laptop confiscated, would you see her?
shorty's Avatar
NOOO!! However, the only way for someone to find out if this has to someone would be she would have to post somewhere that her phone, laptop got confiscated, and to not respond to that number or emails from that account.

Also a smart provider would also have your number in a secret place to where she can make contact with you on another phone to warn her clients are the situation. I would really be shocked if ladies didn't keep the numbers of there regulars in a little book somewhere special in case of a situation like this.
I don't. who in their right mind would keep a client list on paper? not very prudent.
arrested and had her cell phone and laptop confiscated, would you see her? Originally Posted by FatBastard
Can you say SIM card? I assume every lady I have seen (or contacted via text or phone, even if I didn't see her) has my phone number in her DB. All she has to do is be busted and DB accessed...LE has my number.

I'll get a call out of the blue, "This is the Dallas PD. Do you know Ms. FuckMeHard? Why is this number in her phone?"
Can you say SIM card? I assume every lady I have seen (or contacted via text or phone, even if I didn't see her) has my phone number in her DB. All she has to do is be busted and DB accessed...LE has my number.

I'll get a call out of the blue, "This is the Dallas PD. Do you know Ms. FuckMeHard? Why is this number in her phone?" Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Duuuhhhhhh!!!! She's a prostitute I solicite all the time.
Just being fecesious.

Seriously "What business is it of yours who I call, is it illegal to talk to a friend"?
Still Looking's Avatar
arrested and had her cell phone and laptop confiscated, would you see her? Originally Posted by FatBastard
Not till she gets a new cell phone and lap top. How would I contact her? LOL
Fancyinheels's Avatar
This might be a non-issue if ladies would develop their "cover persona's" more effectively. There would be no way for LE to know if the client numbers on her phone were for Amway or his way, for Mary Kay cosmetics or cross-dressing aesthetics. For instance, I'm a theatrical costumer, event planner, and entertainer, and I have the photos and records (including tax returns) to back up my perfectly feasible business enterprise. It would be too difficult to prove who had called for Fancyinheels the escort or "Fancy, did you book the model to pop out of my brother's bachelor party cake in a burlesque outfit Saturday night?"
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Not till she gets a new cell phone and lap top. How would I contact her? LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
By signing up to visit in jail or going to her hearings. not that I would do that
errrr ok I have.

ant no lovin like she just got released lovin
Still Looking's Avatar
By signing up to visit in jail or going to her hearings. not that I would do that
errrr ok I have.

ant no lovin like she just got released lovin Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
So screwing on the court house steps is a bad thing?
Still Looking's Avatar
I've only been to court twice. Both times with an Ex-wife. Trust me when I say, she didn't get screwed! I left walking bull legged! LOL
offshoredrilling's Avatar
So screwing on the court house steps is a bad thing? Originally Posted by Still Looking
please wait till ya get to parking lot at least!!!!!

I'm shy, waited till got her to her incall.
pickupkid's Avatar
Well the number of cell phones that are lost by providers here are numerous....get a hobby phone
So screwing on the court house steps is a bad thing? Originally Posted by Still Looking
Frank Zappa would do it on the White House Lawn...
So screwing on the court house steps is a bad thing? Originally Posted by Still Looking
Well, I guess we all know what's in store for Review #109, LMAO!

shorty's Avatar
Why wouldn't a provider just have a spare SIM Card to where they can backup there numbers too, just in case something happens to the phone? We all know that cell phones don't last. Also, why not backup the numbers to a flash drive and keep it at a safe place at your house? If the ladies are in the business to provide, then I would think they would have their regulars or better clients number's stored somewhere where they can access them in a emergency.