Redsan's Avatar
Can any lady do this, I will furnish the quarters.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Damn. I think I have one of her books and videos somewhere. I'm going to dig that sucker out!

Warning: If I learn to do that, and have the figure that goes with it, my rates are going up. Going to have to ask for REAL silver quarters.
Redsan's Avatar
Just let me know Fancy and I will head to Houston with the
silver quarters.
tia travels's Avatar
HAHA! I'd like to see her doing that standing up! LOL Just kidding. I took bellydancing lessons when I was younger (but kind of never went to the next level after the first batch of lessons were finished.) Mainly because it required dancing in front of a crowd (family, etc)--a performance and because I'm kind of shy that way, I never continued. I can roll "invisible" coins though if anyone would like to see.
Clouddancer's Avatar
That was cool!

That brings back some fond memories.
Many years ago I dated a belly dancer.
Sex with a lady with that kind of control of her abs is truly amazing.

Wish I could find a provider with that kind of talent.
wcdann's Avatar
wow i wander how much her donations would be to do that with my johnson. LOL
pyramider's Avatar
Do the rolling abs translate into a pulsating puss?
burkalini's Avatar
If she has control over her stomach muscles that way you know she can milk a cock with her pussy. Probably can just sit on it and get it off without up and down motion at all. Somebody throw me some quarters. lol
wcdann's Avatar
Hell i have a whole jar full of quarters LOL PARTY PARTY PARTY
canuckvic's Avatar
Like to see it done while my dick is in her and being Canadian, I want it done with toonies!!
That was actually impressive. That chick has some great abs!
kindgentleman's Avatar
Would love to see her face if someone were to throw down 17g's worth of golden eagles. Or in Canuckvic's case, golden maples
That was cool!

That brings back some fond memories.
Many years ago I dated a belly dancer.
Sex with a lady with that kind of control of her abs is truly amazing.

Wish I could find a provider with that kind of talent. Originally Posted by Clouddancer

As a professional bellydancer, I have yet to discover any correlation between ab control (shimmies, belly rolls) and amazing sex lol

Oh wait...hmm

Redsan's Avatar
Shayla with your tight abs I thought you could do it!!!!!!!
tia travels's Avatar
If she has control over her stomach muscles that way you know she can milk a cock with her pussy. Probably can just sit on it and get it off without up and down motion at all. Somebody throw me some quarters. lol Originally Posted by burkalini
She put so much attention into her stomach muscles that she neglected the kitty's. lol