Conversations With Providers/Hobbyist

shorty's Avatar
When talking to providers or hobbyist either thru email, text, phone, or pillow talk, how much faith do you put into what they say?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-25-2012, 08:58 PM
It depends upon the topic, and upon how well I know them/who they are.

Some I assume every word is part of the ambiance. Soem I would trust with my life, and have.
When talking to providers or hobbyist either thru email, text, phone, or pillow talk, how much faith do you put into what they say? Originally Posted by shorty
Actually a lot. I find it's one of the most ironic things about a business that is based on fantasy and not always reality...that the conversations can be every bit as real as outside the industry and the bedroom itself. But that just may be my experience.
B.Wayne's Avatar
At first, I felt like Old T. As I read on and discover new things, it makes me question if even having a conversation is real or not. Do lies happen in conversation? I believe so. I know of one "woman" that actually gave women advice to lie better. But that should not mean to assume that every single time I talk to a woman she is not being truthful. It should have to do with how well you know them and how comfortable they feel with you. Same thing with other people's experiences. Just because they experienced something bad, you should not assume or expect that it will happen to you. I really like honesty, it keeps me from having to guess. I try, and I think with success(hopefully) despite my very limited knowledge and selective nature that I have picked the most honest you could find.
Mature Companion's Avatar
It depends on what's being *asked* of each other. I know that some folks in this adult lifestyle, can be/and have been, a bit tooooooooooo nosy about what goes on in others lives. And think that just because you've enjoyed a *date* with them, that they have the right to pry & get a bit too personal and too close for comfort.
So in those cases. I can see where one might not divulge the correct truth. Whether it be in conversation after sex, or via email/text etc.

But as far as generic conversations had with those you meet. I actually enjoy & learn a lot about a lot of different things from my dates about all facets of life. And have yet to feel that our conversations were anything less than genuine.
And I personally don't feel the need to worry about putting faith into what they tell me during our conversations. Because I'm not one to delve into their personal life and therefore, they're free to make up anything & everything as long we have wonderful conversations and always find a way to make our date fun & exciting.

But that's just my opinion.

When talking to providers or hobbyist either thru email, text, phone, or pillow talk, how much faith do you put into what they say? Originally Posted by shorty
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I assume and believe its genuine unless they give me a reason to believe otherwise, Ive never had an issue with it.
john353's Avatar
Personally, I have no desire to look a provider in the face and blatantly lie to her while we are in conversation....period.
I take their word unless I have reason to assume otherwise, but honestly if it is outside of our appointment I don't care if it is true. You can make a whole fantasy life with me, if that is your fancy.
Mostly, I have very little, if any, faith that the lady is telling me anywhere near the truth. I've been led on by women before, and will be again (although some would argue that I should have learned my lesson by now). But I'm a fatalist. I believe in a woman's nature to lie for her own purposes, especially to men. And I believe in a man's inherent desire to believe women...over and over and over again despite all evidence to the contrary.

I have a few rules that narrows the areas in which I can be lied to: I don't ask about family; I don't ask about civvie life; I don't ask about beliefs; I don't ask about politics. I try to limit conversation to what might occur during an appointment. That normally prevents me from discovering (again) more lies.
shorty's Avatar
So I guess when the ladies tells the guys that there Big and Best They've Had In Awhile, we believe them.
Well, I never really got that line. The line I've heard most is, "If I'd known, I'd brought magnums."
What difference does it make? You are seeing her as an escape from the hassles of the real world, she is using you to put food on the table.

Go have some fun, and don't get hung up on all of the bullshit.
shorty's Avatar
Well, I never really got that line. The line I've heard most is, "If I'd known, I'd brought magnums." Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Well that's better than the lady saying "Your The Perfect Size" with a smirk on her face and trying not to laugh.
It depends. Sexually if I hear the same or similar compliment that I've heard before in and out of the hobby I know its true. I also had a provider confide to me about very personal things without me asking and I knew this had to be true because nobody would reveal what she did for the sake of small talk. I know she left town and may have quit because of those issues. So I my case I think most things said to me are honest and if not so what, I'm not living with her or getting married.
Still Looking's Avatar
I try NOT to ask questions that might promote lying! Less is more!

But if I wanted answers to questions I'd just give them a list:

SL'S Top Then Questions & Answers

1) How often do you do this? This is my first time!
2) How man guys have you seen since you started hobbying? You are my first!
3) Is little SL big by your standards? Oh My YES!
4) Do you like the way I do it? God Yes!
5) Can I slap your ass till it gets red? I would love that!
6) Would you introduce me to you sister? Why certainly!
7) Can I sqeeze this real hard? That would be great!
8) Can I get Greek at no extra charge? No problem I love Greek!
9) Have you always been a femal? Why Yes!
10) Would you like to meet with me for free? Oh yes, I'll even pay for the motel!