Review: Another SW Jessica for the experienced..

Date: Mid August
Provider: Jessica
Phone: 469-216-2421
Email Address: NA
URL / Website: NA
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: Walnut Hill/35
Appointment Type: Other
Activities: BBBJ
Session Length: 30-40
Fee: 30
Hair Color and Length: Long Black
Age: Early 30s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Black/African
Physical Description: 5'5"ish, big DDs, nice curvy ass, mommy tummy (said she had twins) beautiful blue eyes, bright red lips and a cute smile
Recommendation: Yes
NTXReggie's Avatar

Nice! Thanks for sharing!
Wanted 150$ when I called.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Wanted 150$ when I called. Originally Posted by Tgiovannni
okay, I'll help you out once, since you are brand new.. when she says she wants $150, laugh as hard and spontaneously as you can, stopping just short of intimating she's crazy.. then chop $100 off, and offer $50.
Is there any pics of jessica anywhere? Is she on eccie?
C@r@m3lTWIX's Avatar
...appreciate the review AND intel.....
Wanted 150$ when I called. Originally Posted by Tgiovannni
you didn't read the title my friend, that's why I said for the experienced, you have to know how to negotiate with these ladies...