why Hillary ?

VitaMan's Avatar
Now the election is over, the Democrats can see more clearly, and will
see what a weak candidate she was.

No message, only a 1,000 or so prescriptions
Never elected to anything
Strongly disliked by a great many
Didn't get there on her own without her husband

Now the question becomes: Will Hillary and Bill stay married ?
azteclust's Avatar
Because of the email scandal and email leaks from wikileaks. Voters didn't trust her and instead trust a man who abuse women and don't pay taxes. Is hard to really decide who is better to be President but in the end Trump wins.
See..they wanted Hillary forever.....since 94

But remember the old axiom...."run it up the flag pole...."

If they would have run her up the flag pole, ....in a primary.....they would have learned the people have lost interest in her over 20 years.

instead, they cooked up the primary so she wasn't the party's voters candidate
Fishpie's Avatar
Let's take a moment and be thankful that commie fuck didn't win it all.
They could have put Jesus on the ballot and Trump still would have won. The American people wanted to send a "Fuck You!" to the establishment.
O'Mike's Avatar
Now the election is over, the Democrats can see more clearly, and will
see what a weak candidate she was.........................

Never elected to anything.................... Originally Posted by VitaMan
Seriously, you forget the leftists in New York elected her as a US Senator in 2000???

Guest123018-4's Avatar
We call them carpet baggers around here.

In the end the allegations of Trump's misconduct were less of an issue than the proven lies of Hillary.

Democrats of course expect their candidates to lie to them and are never disappointed.
VitaMan's Avatar
Guess I didn't remember that. Forgot all her accomplishments there too.

The NY senate seat is the Robert Kennedy technique for advancement.
Actually....at this point Hillary is ahead of Trump by ~280,000 votes, and that number is expected to grow. This last happened in 2000 between Gore and Bush. She lost the Electoral College vote, she recognized it and conceded.
pyramider's Avatar
Hilliary should be on suicide watch. Holy shit, losing to Trump ... she should end it.
Hilliary should be on suicide watch. Holy shit, losing to Trump ... she should end it. Originally Posted by pyramider
Nah....she'll get over it after Podesta accidentally commits suicide and Tuma Abedine is mysteriously kidnapped.
LittleSpike's Avatar
Nah....she'll get over it after Podesta accidentally commits suicide and Tuma Abedine is mysteriously kidnapped. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
So, you think she'll continue to add to the Clinton's body count? LOL.

Likely. And they'll make it so obviously something random that we'll know she did it but not be able to prove it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Bill is smart enough that he had Hillary do all the dirty work.

In the end, allegations versus facts.

Justice would be for her and Bill to share the same cell.
Well....DosPerros.....it didn't take long.

Clinton tells fundraisers FBI Comey letter sank presidential bid

Published November 12, 2016


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Hillary Clinton has offered a couple of private but candid explanations about why she lost her White House bid, telling high-dollar fundraisers Saturday that FBI announcements about a second probe into her emails from her time as secretary of state were too damaging.

Clinton said, "Our analysis is that Comey’s letter raised doubts that were groundless and baseless..." and "stopped our momentum," a DNC fundraising source who was on the call told Fox News.

Clinton made the remark on a roughly 30-minute conference call with Democrats who raised more than $100,000, according to*Politico.

The former State Department leader lost in a surprising defeat to Republican nominee Donald Trump -- a first-time candidate who essentially trailed in almost every major poll for the entire campaign.

FBI Director James Comey told Congress in an Oct. 30 letter that the agency was looking at emails found in an unrelated case that could be related to a closed FBI case specifically about the Clinton emails.

Clinton suggested her campaign’s internal poll numbers plunged after the letter but nevertheless rebounded, a person on the Saturday call told Politico.

However, she said the second Comey letter, three days before Election Day, saying that she had essentially been cleared in the unrelated case, awakened Trump voters. ***

The FBI investigated Clinton using a private email server system while secretary of state. Comey said some of the emails included classified information and that she was “extremely careless” in her action. But he concluded the case in July without recommending criminal charges.

Clinton on Thursday told her campaign staff that she had “stepped in it” by saying half of Trump’s supporters were “deplorables,” according to The New York Times.

She and her campaign essentially defended the remark by saying she regretted saying “half” of the supporters were*“racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic" people.

Fox News' Serafin Gomez contributed to this report.