Maybe some words in blue will appear.....

I've been looking at some of the data.....

And *wow* dems are statistically in a world of hurt right now.

Some of the worst numbers in nearly a century.

And just forget about that popular vote. The electoral numbers clearly represent the sentiment of the country.

Crooked Hillary sank her own ship. But clearly to me, Obama and the other cronies have all but destroyed the party since 2010.
Fishpie's Avatar
You better take that racist post down.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yes tbone, racist.
Anytime you are critical of Obama it is always because he is half black and not because of his flawed ideology. You are not permitted to have a different opinion of a person of color without wearing the badge of racism. Of course, if you are not a liberal you are automatically a racist so it really does not matter.
Oh it was about Obama?

He's an "exotic Muslim"

I thought he meant about colored people....the blue ones.