Basic or a Nicely done website?

So I have been thinking of getting a better website since mine is just a basic website from escort files....

Mine: (Basic one)

R.M. (Nice one)

So before I do I wanted to do research on basic websites verses nicely done websites! I have been tracking my traffic on my website for about a month now. I really don't get much traffic on my website, but get the typical 300 to 700 views on my ads here on Eccie like every provider here. I'm pretty sure I have everything that I need on my website and ads, at least enough to make a informed decision on whether or not to see me.
I hear guys on this site always say they would like to see rates, stats, and good pictures that are accurate on our ads.
By me doing this, is it resulting in dead traffic on my website? Ladies do you have much traffic on your website?
Basic or Nicely done? Also, if ladies have you switched from Basic to a Nicely done website, did it improve your business or stay the same?
Thanks so much to everyone for their views and opinions.


Do you guys and providers prefer:

1. Basic Website that says everything
2. Nicely done website that says everything
3. Don't care as long as it has everything I need to know
4. Ads that say everything cause I don't look at websites
5. Don't care beyond picture cause I pm with tons of questions anyway
NearHauteRed's Avatar
I voted "Don't care as long it has everything I need to know" because that is all that matters if I want to see you for a session.
TinMan's Avatar
Basic. I'm looking for information I can quickly access. Too much fluff and I can't find what I'm looking for and quickly move on.
TinMan's Avatar
Oh, and the idea of putting everything in an ad...the really long ads tend to lose me after about three sentences. Make it brief, enough to draw me in and cause me to go to the website where I can get all the details.
bored@home's Avatar
I voted the last option because it made me laugh, truth is a honest simple ad with a view is what I like. I am often on mobile so scrolling lots of text is a pain and I skim most if not all of it.
External sites I check only when the details are not present in the ad, showcase, or profile....and even then I will likely just move on to the next ad instead.
I am a less is more kind of guy though so maybe not the target audience.

Simple ad in my head is 1-2 tasteful pics, donation details and preferred contact / appointment information....and not recycled from the previous week on infinite rotation...but that's just my opinion.
TinMan's Avatar
I voted the last option because it made me laugh, truth is a honest simple ad with a view is what I like. I am often on mobile so scrolling lots of text is a pain and I skim most if not all of it.
External sites I check only when the details are not present in the ad, showcase, or profile....and even then I will likely just move on to the next ad instead.
I am a less is more kind of guy though so maybe not the target audience.

Simple ad in my head is 1-2 tasteful pics, donation details and preferred contact / appointment information....and not recycled from the previous week on infinite rotation...but that's just my opinion. Originally Posted by bored@home
Actually, I think you are the target audience. Your thinking is very similar to mine. I don't have the attention span to read every detail of every ad, and I won't even go to the website unless something in the initial ad catches my eye. I might add incall location, hours of operation and notice requirements are good things to put in the initial advertisement. Those are some things that will cause me to delve further if they match my expectations.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Some fancy pancy web sites don't open up right on phones and all of the buttons dont always work. Cant open the menu section or only get half of a page or something. I am good with basic sites.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I remember Cattie Mae's last site. It was 1 page with everything you needed to know as well as a few pics included. If I'm looking at a site for a provider then 1 page seems to hold my attention better.

I can usually find all the info II need here or p411 so if I'm forced to go to a site I like it to be fast and simple.
To be honest I only look at the pics. It isn't Ars Technica so im probably not reading the articles, blogs, or About mes. Most of the time I have found my way to the providers site through a review site (So ive read the reviews) and im not sure there is much more you can do to drive traffic to it other than posting the link in your sig on a review site...unless you purchase a url like,,, or something like

....a picture is worth a thousand words.
Just have good (sexy, accurate, and up-to-date) photos, make it easy to navigate, and have pertinent and well-written information. Everything else is just a waste of YOUR time and effort in setting it up. My guess is that the good photos will be the most successful part anyway.
Basic for me. Order of importance:

1. Accurate pics, no more than 6 months old. Bonus points for face shots.

2. General area of incall. Some places are too far. Also some places are too shitty.

3. Consistent pricing. I want to see the same rates in your websites, ads and Showcases. 'Cause I'll pick the lowest one on a confirmed appmt.

4. The bestest, fastest guaranteed way to contact you so I'll get a response. If you don't want texts or calls initially, please say so if your ph. is on your site, ads, etc.
Thank you guys that participated in this...

Guess I will keep my free one with everything on it, while continuing to put all my info on my ads!
TinMan's Avatar
You mentioned putting "all" your information in your ad. I hope that doesn't mean you're deviating too much from your most recent ad posted in the Houston forum. I thought that was just about perfect.

The text was concise, with frequent paragraph breaks (I can't fight through the "run-on paragraphs" I see in too many ads), and not a lot of fluff about how horny you are. The pics are nice, too (particularly the ones involving the pink mini skirt!).
Sleepy363's Avatar
Just basic info is plenty on a website unless you want to put up a video of yourself doing freaky things, then that's always greatly appreciated.. haha

I don't visit websites much anyway, I do see the ads, then check out the showcase and reviews as well as p411 to see if she's into everything I'm into. p411 is the best.
DarthDVader's Avatar
I rather a nicely done website ... It tells me what to expect from you ...
Its a way to say Im classy, beautiful, i care about details ...
If i see a nicely done website I will be thinking that you will be dressed in not a simple way but nicely and sexy ... Taking care of small details ...
I like to have all the information handy, but concise and to the point as suggested ...
If Ive never seen you, i will appreciate the info ... If I know you, Ill appreciate to find quickly info about current rates, specials, availability and location ...

My 2 cents BDS