*cough* dish network channel 212

LovingKayla's Avatar
You folks WISH that guy was still on at just 5pm on FOX.

I'm just waiting for the left to try and shut him down now that he's successfully built an empire right under your noses.

Now sweet little WTF I know it gives you some peace and release to be destructive to other folks so I'm giving you permission to say anything you want and I will not dispute it. But I'm not sure your imagination has stretched its wittle wings enough to fathom the depths of sins I'm actually guilty of, but you can sure give it that old college try baby.

For you folks that are rather unfriendly to this network, don't judge it until you, yourself, watches 3 hours or so of the programming. And not the super boring shit either.

You pussy protesters need the hard ass military to defend your Lilly ass's while you prance and hold signs. And you military need the goody two shoes hippie drifter protesters so we can go kick the shit out of the other guy while "looking like the whole group is actually against the violence."

1 buffalo nickel for the correct south park that theory comes from.

And welcome to the future of network broadcasting.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Oh no I'm not letting this get burried. B U M P
Wait what's going on? Is it on the Fox News Network or the local fox channel?
LovingKayla's Avatar
Dish channel 212. It's a completely seperate network.
Damn I got direct TV, off to search.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-14-2012, 07:49 AM
Wait what's going on? Is it on the Fox News Network or the local fox channel? Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Fox is to tame....

It is Glenn Beck's network or for folks with half a brain , The Nazi Channel catering to folks like Loving Little Kayla to preach her hate under the name of love. I love it, finially a right wing network that will try and out right Fox. Fox will have to either go further right or war with its former coke head DJ, Glenn Beck. It should be fun.

LK did you donate money to this anti Muslim movie that is being protested in the ME? , Isan't that the kind of movie you loons just love? Free Speech, right. Just like Chick Fil A. What about lynching blacks again, will you and Beck produce a movie on that subject and cry about your free speech rights? Maybe one where you think we should ship them back to Africa? Free speech is beautiful.

One thing I do ask, please don't go calling me a stalker of you when in actuality , I stalk all Tea Nuts nutty posts. Some ladies think it is them I stalk and not stupid posts. You can say all the dumb shit you want and I can make fun of you each and every time your cowardly ass does so. But hey, I still love you, especially those big knockers.
For the record WTF is against free speech.
joe bloe's Avatar
You folks WISH that guy was still on at just 5pm on FOX.

I'm just waiting for the left to try and shut him down now that he's successfully built an empire right under your noses.

Now sweet little WTF I know it gives you some peace and release to be destructive to other folks so I'm giving you permission to say anything you want and I will not dispute it. But I'm not sure your imagination has stretched its wittle wings enough to fathom the depths of sins I'm actually guilty of, but you can sure give it that old college try baby.

For you folks that are rather unfriendly to this network, don't judge it until you, yourself, watches 3 hours or so of the programming. And not the super boring shit either.

You pussy protesters need the hard ass military to defend your Lilly ass's while you prance and hold signs. And you military need the goody two shoes hippie drifter protesters so we can go kick the shit out of the other guy while "looking like the whole group is actually against the violence."

1 buffalo nickel for the correct south park that theory comes from.

And welcome to the future of network broadcasting. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Now I have an excuse to sign up with Dish Network. I've been tempted in the past, because their rates seem to be better than Direct TV.

My problem with Dish Network is that they broadcast Al Jazeera, which is essentially a propagandist for fundamentalist Islam. I wish Beck had signed up with another provider.
Just buy Blaze TV directly.....

I was a 15 year preimum Direct TV subscriber. I dumped it last year...now pull in better quality broadcasts (free thru uhf antenna) and use Roku for other programming....

You won't miss all the crap programming. And I don't miss Fox blathering heads either.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-14-2012, 08:00 AM
You folks WISH that guy was still on at just 5pm on FOX.

I'm just waiting for the left to try and shut him down now that he's successfully built an empire right under your noses.

Now sweet little WTF I know it gives you some peace and release to be destructive to other folks so I'm giving you permission to say anything you want and I will not dispute it. But I'm not sure your imagination has stretched its wittle wings enough to fathom the depths of sins I'm actually guilty of, but you can sure give it that old college try baby.

For you folks that are rather unfriendly to this network, don't judge it until you, yourself, watches 3 hours or so of the programming. And not the super boring shit either.

. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Nobody on the left shut him down, it was the folks on the right. They thought he was hurting the GOP with his nutty speculation. Carl Rove hated the guy. I love GB. He is like the PeeWee Herman of TV, only a small segment of society will believe his shit. It gives the independents a chance to see what a loon he is. And now he can say wtf ever he wants? This will be pure gold. .

I do not need your permission to remark on a subject but I will thank you for the thought.

With Love,
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-14-2012, 08:04 AM
Beck is the PT Barnum of our time. He knows that hate and anger sells and he is really good at producing the pulp fiction of hate. He is also a good public speaker. He sees the RWW suckers and he does a truly impressive job of separating them from their money.

As an entrepreneur and a showman I applaud him. As a human being I think he is sell-his-soul-for-a-dollar scum.

I often wonder how much of his garbage he believes himself--I have no proof, but I suspect he is too intelligent to believe much of it. The Great and Powerful Oz is among us, people. Or is it sheep?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-14-2012, 08:07 AM
Nobody on the left shut him down, it was the folks on the right. They thought he was hurting the GOP with his nutty speculation. Carl Rove hated the guy. I love GB. He is like the PeeWee Herman of TV, only a small segment of society will believe his shit. It gives the independents a chance to see what a loon he is. And now he can say wtf ever he wants? This will be pure gold. .

I do not need your permission to remark on a subject but I will thank you for the thought.

With Love,
WTF Originally Posted by WTF
I was typing my reply while you were posting yours. Completely agree. I will have to plagerize the PeeWee Herman part--it is so fitting and appropriate,
joe bloe's Avatar
Just buy Blaze TV directly.....

I was a 15 year preimum Direct TV subscriber. I dumped it last year...now pull in better quality broadcasts (free thru uhf antenna) and use Roku for other programming....

You won't miss all the crap programming. And I don't miss Fox blathering heads either. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I do get Blaze TV. I renewed my subscription, so I could watch Glenn's rally in Dallas. I just don't have the ability to link the internet subscription to my televisions. I guess I need to get Roku or get a new internet compatable TV. Technology is changing so fast it's hard to keep up.
LovingKayla's Avatar
OK here's the history lesson on what's happened... and yes I'm giddy as a school girl.

FOX and Beck decided to part ways. He was not fired as the left loooooves to try and say. It was mutual. I remember the very last show he did on FOX at 5pm, he looked right at the camera and said, " 2 years from now, you will WISH I was only on FOX at 5pm.... 18 months later... IN YOUR FACE LIBBIES. You can cry and whine and lie all day long but that guy did actually build an EMPIRE right under your noses.

Joe the reason Dish is the one that is broadcasting him is because it's the first and only one to step up and carry the channel.

If you care about an education outside the main stream (including Fox) then you have got to check this out. Every single prediction I've ever seen him make, has come true. All this stuff happening right now in Egypt and beyond he predicted years ago. I mean this is all seriously old news. You really don't want to know what's next. I won't post it because it's all prediction. Just watch that channel at 5pm everyday. You will be amazed at the world that opens up.

Joe, I've got a roku and the half off, off brand. Get the roku. It's 100 bucks and damn well worth it. You get every single internet channel plus games.

And my precious WTF, you usually need permission to wipe your bumm from your mommy. I was just bringing it down to your level sugar. Am I still to high baby? I don't think I can go any lower without digging up some sewage lines. Come on up to the concrete sugar. That's a good boy. And dearest, I know you have that natural handicap with your heart. It would have to grow 3 sizes to match the grinch before his grew. I forgive you for that with all my heart.

And yes, this WILL be gold. You have NO idea what's going on behind the scenes.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-14-2012, 08:38 AM
For the record WTF is against free speech. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I've noticed.