Medicare in a nutshell...

The lab calls Mrs. Smith.
"Mrs. Smith?"
Mrs. Smith says, "Yes?"
"Are you the wife of Mr. Allen Smith?"
She says, "Yes!"
Lab says, "We have bad news for you... Two sets of labs came in last week for two different Mr. Allen Smiths, and they've been mixed up. Either way it is bad."
Mrs. Smith says, "Oh my, what is wrong?"
Lab says, "Well, it's either Alzheimer's or AIDS.
Medicare will only pay for these tests ONCE. Their recommendation is to take your husband downtown and IF he can find his way back, DON'T sleep with him!!"
That was a good one
macksback's Avatar
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar

Heard this before, cracks me up everytime!!!! Never gets old!
Thanks for posting it!

IronMan's Avatar
glad to see you back
Sweet N Little's Avatar
lmao Jade! that was funny!!

Funny how some things don't change. Unfortunately, it's only getting worse for those on Medicare...
Thanks to those who appreciate my unique brand of humor!
