Man's best friend

Beer23's Avatar
It is very easy to determine if a dog is really man's best friend. All you have to do is put the dog and your wife in the trunk of your car and drive around for a couple of hours.
When you stop and open the trunk, who you think will be glad to see you?
badhusband's Avatar
LOL And if your wife is at the front door yelling at you to let her in and the dog is at the back door barking to be let in, who do you let in first? The dog because at least he'll shut up once you let him in.
simplyjoe's Avatar
(1) If you go out, the later you are, the happier the dog is to see you. (2) Dogs forgive you for playing with other dogs (3) If a dog has babies, you can give them away. (4) you can put a studded collar on your dog with out being called a pervert